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For the person who has a salary job, there is not much you can do, except that you need to take a note of all the work related deductions that are available for you to claim when you lodge your tax returtn.
For the contractor, there is no such thing as a best structure. It really depends how much you earn, as different structures mean different maintenance costs. The least expensive structure is for you to apply for an ABN and sign the contact as a sole trader. If you derive 80% or more of your overall income from one contract, there are some limitations on the type of expenses you can claim against your contract income. For example, you will not be able to claim your mortgage interest as a home office deduction. Otherwise, you can claim a lot of deductions, like travel expenses, mobile phone expenses, home office expenses (including your PC, landline etc). You can also setup a private company for this purposes. But there is additional keeping costs, like the annual company registration fees, accounting fees associated with lodging a company tax return on top of your individual tax return. Also it is recommended that your company will need Financial Statements for you to release your responsibility as a director for potential liabilities. For further assistance, please contact me FlagshipAccounting@gmail.com |