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发表于 2010-1-6 17:44 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 gcyw123 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 gcyw123 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整

发表于 2010-1-6 21:03 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 dagudboi 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 dagudboi 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整

Hygienist: Good morning, Doctor Smith.

Doctor: Good morning, Miss Jones. Please come in. I see that you brought some new nurses uniforms with you. They're very attractive. Where did you buy them?

Hygienist: I bought them at Isetan’s at a bargain sale. They were very inexpensive. What would you like me to do first?

Doctor: you can begin by checking the treatment rooms. Be sure that they’re neat and clean. Then, you can prepare room number two for the first patient.

Hygienist: the first patient is expected at nine-thirty.

Doctor: when she arrives, write her name, address and telephone number in the record book. Be sure to ask her how she was referred to my office.

Hygienist: there’s a patient in the waiting room, doctor.

Doctor: Get the necessary information for our records from her. Then ask her to be seated. After I examine he I’ll probably ask you to give her an oral prophylaxis (clean her teeth, col.)

Patient: Good morning, I’m Mrs. Williamson. I have an appointment with Doctor Smith.

Hygienist: Good morning, The Doctor will see you soon. My name is Miss Jones.

Patient: How long will I have to wait?

Hygienist: The Doctor will see you in 10 minutes.

Patient: What time is it now?

Hygienist: It’s twenty minutes past nine. Would you like to sit down?

Patient: Thank you.

Doctor: I ‘m ready, Miss Jones. Would you please seat the patient? I’ll examine her and tell you if she needs an oral prophylaxis.

Doctor: Good morning, Mrs. Williamson, I’m Doctor Smith. I understand that Mr. Hughes recommended me. He’s been a patient of mine for a long time.

Patient: I’ve just moved to Shanghai and I expect to live here for five or six years. I haven’t seen a dentist for a long time. I thought it would be a good idea to have a examination (check-up, col.). I know that my teeth should be cleaned.

Doctor: I’d like to ask you some questions about your health and medical history. Have you ever been treated for a heart condition, or for a prolonged illness such as diabetes, liver disease or kidney disease?

Patient: No, I haven’t.

Doctor: Have you ever had rheumatic fever? If you have, please give me the details. It may be necessary to have a consultation with your physician before beginning dental treatment.

Patient: Is that necessary, Doctor?

Doctor: If there’s a history of rheumatic fever it may be necessary for me to prescribe an antibiotic before and after dental treatment.

Patient: I didn’t know that, Doctor.

Doctor: Bacteria can enter the bloodstream during certain dental procedures and cause serious complications.

Patient: Why do you prescribe an antibiotic?

Doctor: The reason for giving an antibiotic to a patient with a history of rheumatic fever is to prevent a heart infection.

Patient: I understand now, Doctor.

Doctor: Have you ever been treated for a blood disorder such as anemia? Have you ever bad prolonged bleeding from an injury or a tooth extraction?

Patient: Not that I can remember.

Doctor: Have you ever had a complication after dental treatment? Have you ever had a bad reaction from a dental anesthetic (dental injection)?

Patient: No, Doctor.

Doctor: Do you have any allergies? Are you allergic to penicillin?

Patient: No, I am not allergic to penicillin.

Doctor: Are you under a doctor’s care? Are you taking medication? When was the last time that you consulted with a physician? Why did you see him?

Patient: No, I am not under a doctor’s care. I just visited a physician when I caught a cold about 3 months ago.

Doctor: Miss Jones, please hand me a mouth mirror and explorer.

Hygienist: Yes, Doctor.

Doctor: May I examine you now, Mrs. Williamson?

Patient: Certainly.

Doctor: Good. Could you open your mouth a little wider, please? Turn your head toward me a little bit. Thank you. I don’t see any carious teeth (cavities col.).

Patient: Good.

Doctor: However, we’ll take X-rays this morning. I’ll ask Miss Jones to clean your teeth. There’s much calculus (tartar) on your teeth and you should have it removed.

Patient: Please do as much as you can for me today. I’m not busy this morning.

Doctor: You’ll need two appointments for your cleaning. I’ll review the X-rays and decide upon a treatment plan for your next appointment.

Hygienist: How much time should I take to do the oral prophylaxis, Doctor?

Doctor: We give 30 minutes’ appointments for oral prophylaxis, Miss Jones. It might take two or more appointments to complete this first part of the treatment.

Hygienist: I understand, Doctor.

Doctor: Most dental diseases can be prevented. I believe that helping a patient to prevent dental diseases is just as important as treating dental disease after it occurs.

Patient: What about the cleaning appointments, Doctor?

Doctor: During your cleaning appointments you’ll be taught how to use your toothbrush and dental floss effectively, as a daily routine.

Patient: What purpose is this?

Doctor: The purpose of your daily home care is to prevent dental caries (tooth decay, col.) and gum disease. Without good home care my treatment could fail, because of gum problems or recurring tooth decay. Miss Jones will apply a topical fluoride to your teeth to help prevent new cavities.

Patient: That’s fine, doctor.

Doctor: Finally, I want to make follow-up (recall) appointments with you every 6 months for an examination and X-rays. Also, to clean your teeth as often as it are needed. Please begin to clean the patient’s teeth, Miss Jones.

Hygienist: Yes, Doctor.

Doctor: Show the patient how to “brush” and use dental floss properly. I’ll see you later, Mrs. Williamson.

发表于 2010-1-7 21:08 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 gcyw123 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 gcyw123 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整


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