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原帖由 yammy66 于 2009-10-8 22:07 发表 
本人情况:LG收入稳定, 大约每年15万澳元(税前). 本人在家料理家务, 孩子一岁多. 因为拿不到什么补助, 觉得很亏. 请问大家能用什么方式合理避税呢? 现有自住房一套, Mortgage每月1500澳元左右.有朋友建议买投资房, 担 ...
unfortunately your husband (assuming he's an employee) cant lower his tax rate just by setting up a company, having a company or abn doesn't automatically give people tax advantages, this is a common misconception. Does your husband's company offer salary packaging for employees? negative geared rental property will offer some tax advantages, hence it is very popular. There is risk associated with any form of investment. Depending on his age, you may also consider super contribution, however, if your child is only a year old, i'd say your husband is probably very young, hence making super less attractive |