发表于 2023-10-18 22:35
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本帖最后由 AFL123 于 2023-10-18 22:37 编辑
Whitehaven Coal (ASX: WHC) $7.57
WHC +11.49%: Announced the purchase of the Daunia & Blackwater met coal mines in QLD from BHP Mitsubishi Alliance (BMA) with some important points to make on this large, and very strategic acquisition, which we think will prove a good one:
They didn’t overpay with a sticker price of $US3.2bn a touch below what some expected, importantly, this incorporates an upfront component of $2.1bn + deferred payments over 3 years. On spot prices, they paid 1.8x EV / FY2024F EBITDA i.e. very cheap, noting this could increase if met coal prices remain strong with some potential sweeteners for BMA.
They can pay this from cash and a $900m bridging loan, which will either be converted into longer-term debt funding or they may sell down a minority stake to customers.
These are met coal mines used in steel making, not thermal coal used in power generation as the bulk of WHC production is currently. This transforms WHC into a primarily met coal company, generating ~70% of sales from a product that has a long future.
Also worth noting, is that the shift towards met coal will deliver financial market benefits i.e. a greater degree of funding optionality and an increase in the number of funds that could own WHC (thermal coal is the one being snubbed from an ESG perspective), a company with 70% in met coal should be enough to overcome some mandate restrictions.
Steel is required for urbanisation, but importantly, steel is also required to build infrastructure for the energy transition, with very little new supply on the horizon (unlike Iron Ore which will have a greater supply response).
There were lots of market-friendly terms being used in today’s announcement, compelling and transformational, and materially earnings accretive, all things that we like to see. A solid update from WHC, buying a good asset at a sensible price. |