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原帖由 sy2009 于 2009-8-11 14:53 发表 
开了一间Pty.Ltd.的公司并注册了GST, 现有问题如下:
1. QuarterlyBAS 是否一定是CA/CPA lodge 上去, director 和accountant 是否可以?
2. Annual Income Tax Return 是否一定是 CA/CPA 签名才能Lodge上去? ...
1. no, BAS does not have to be prepared by accountants, bookkeeper or directors can lodge
2. good question, i don't know many that prepare and lodge their own company tax return unless they are of accounting background. normally they are lodged by tax agents, not all CA/CPA are tax agents, and not all tax agents are CA/CPA.
3. depends, generally small australian private companies are not subject to audits, please consult an accountant or check on ASIC website to see the definition of different type of companies. However, foreign controlled entities are subjected to more strict requirements, even if they are small private companies.
4. annual fee, recurring around the time of your initial registration, you will receive notice from ASIC for payment |