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本帖最后由 LadyKaka 于 2020-7-4 17:51 编辑
盼我疯魔 还盼我孑孓不独活
Hoping for my complete devotion, as well as my worldly connections
想我冷艳 还想我轻佻又下贱
Wishing me aloof and glamorous, yet ready to be your smoldering temptress
要我阳光 还要我风情不摇晃
You asked for sunshine and you asked for amorous charms
戏我哭笑无主 还戏我心如枯木
You mocked my fickle temper and you mocked my stony heart
赐我梦境 还赐我很快就清醒
Granting me dreams, paired with hasty awakening
与我沉睡 还与我蹉跎无慈悲
Killing time with me, then begged for time’s mercy
爱我纯粹 还爱我赤裸不糜颓
You loved my crystal heart and you loved my unsullied bare skin
看我自弹自唱 还看我痛心断肠
You watched me sing to the guitar and you watched me cry out my guts
愿我如烟 还愿我曼丽又懒倦
Expecting me to live simply and free, yet somehow keep the indolent lure
看我痴狂 还看我风趣又端庄
Seeing me lose it, yet somehow stay witty and composed
要我美艳 还要我杀人不眨眼
You wanted me to be a bombshell and you wanted me to be a cold-blooded killer
祝我从此幸福 还祝我枯萎不渡
You wished me nothing but the best and you wished me a withering life with dread
为我撩人 还为我双眸失神
Tempting me and being tempted by me
图我情真 还图我眼波销魂
Falling for my earnest affection and falling for my beguiling eyes
与我私奔 还与我做不二臣
You ran away with me and you promised to be my own
夸我含苞待放 还夸我欲盖弥彰
You applauded my purity and you applauded my lame hypocrisy
请我迷人 还请我艳情透渗
Pleading me to enchant you, warm you, and arouse you
似我盛放 还似我缺氧乖张
Learning from my prosperity, my desolation, and my eccentricity
由我美丽 还由我贪恋着迷
You let me bloom and you left me indulged and addicted
怨我百岁无忧 还怨我徒有泪流
You blamed my lighthearted cheers and you blamed my useless tears