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[电视剧] 美剧 Seal Team [复制链接]

发表于 2020-7-5 10:09 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 lk123 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 lk123 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
因为新冠,看上去第三季就那么结束了,原本的21-22 集会被并到第四季。有第四季可以等,还算安慰。

https://meaww.com/seal-team-seas ... ppen-season-4-bravo

‘SEAL Team’ Season 3: What would have been Bravo Team's story had Episodes 21 and 22 been shot
'We were cut short finishing two episodes, so our season finale was not the way it was supposed to be ended,' David Boreanaz said in an interview
By Jyotsna Basotia
Published on : 19:06 PST, May 6, 2020

                            ‘SEAL Team’ Season 3: What would have been Bravo Team's story had Episodes 21 and 22 been shot
David Boreanaz (CBS)
‘SEAL Team’ Season 3 is drawing to a close, but not quite as the showrunners planned it. The coronavirus crisis led to a stall in the shoot of the last two episodes and David Boreanaz had to leave Episode 21 unfinished.

"We were cut short finishing two episodes — everybody’s had that issue, on other shows — so our season finale was not the way it was supposed to be ended. But [this episode] definitely has an unexpected plot twist for a character, for Jason at least. I will say that. But we do come to some resolve with some characters, which also opens up more doors," Boreanaz, who plays Bravo 1 aka Jason Hayes in the series, told TVLine in an interview.

He added, "When you resolve one specific thing that a character is going through, you open that door and you go through another door, and there are more doors to open. When you do resolve something, there’s always something on the other end saying, 'Oh, well, what about this?'"

David Boreanaz as Jason Hayes (CBS)
Revealing just a bit more and still staying tight-lipped, he added, "[Coming out of] 22 there would have been some uncertainty. But [Episode] 21, there was a major cliffhanger out of 21 going into 22. It would have been a big… how should I say… moment that left you hanging on the edges."

Disclosing how there were just "four more days of shoot left," he said, "I was shooting up in Big Bear — and I will say, there’s a lot of snow involved in that episode — and Chris [Chulack] was shooting 22, so we were kind of shooting two days here, two days there…. I had two days left on my episode, and Chris had four days when all this went down.

Reportedly, now that Season 4 has been renewed, it will begin with those unfinished episodes. Talking about his character development, Boreanaz said, "I think that’s just where Jason’s head is — he’s kind of like 'ignore and override' this season, really to a point of pushing his team and then finding himself being affected by that. I would say that is just his mentality."

David Boreanaz as Jason Hayes (CBS)
He added, "He’s compartmentalized and forward-focused. It’s also a reference to where he is at the end of Season 3, and where he’s going right now into [Episodes] 21 and 22 — which aren’t done yet. It’s kind of weird to talk about, but he will have to come to grips with that, in 21 and in 22 especially."

Reflecting on that big plot twist at the end of Episode 19, where he finds out the terrorist leader is connected to his past, the actor told TV Insider, "It impacts Jason more so and we see that in Episode 21, that I directed, that we didn't finish. It's definitely something from his past, and Ray would be a part of that as well as Thirty Mike and who they went after, the father of this son that we just saw. That's where the connection and understanding of how intense this target is. The others don't know too much about that."

As ‘SEAL Team’ comes back with another season full of action, violence, drama and emotions it will be fascinating to see where each character proceeds, wouldn't it?

发表于 2020-7-5 14:43 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2020-7-5 14:48 |显示全部楼层
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一分子 发表于 2020-7-5 13:43


发表于 2020-7-5 21:01 |显示全部楼层
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lk123 发表于 2020-7-5 13:48



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发表于 2020-7-5 22:30 |显示全部楼层
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本帖最后由 lk123 于 2020-7-5 22:48 编辑

又看到第三季里,sonny 被Davies 分手了。我就不明白了,Davies 不能换个工作吗?军队里工作多好找,可是Sonny 那样的男朋友,哪里去找
唉! Sonny 伤心得应该哭了。还特意去找拳击高手对打,其实就是挨打,让身体的痛麻木心里的痛。可怜的Sonny

不久的后来Davies 又去撩他,他就不回头了。够德州牛仔性格!

Clay 的前女友Stella 也是,分手好久了又回去找 Clay。 seal team 里的男士们,那么容易碰到吗,碰到了都不好好珍惜,没有决心没有担当,活该,真是。

俺要是碰巧找了其中一位,最好是 Sonny , 或Jason, 或 clay, 俺保证好好珍惜,不离不弃

发表于 2020-7-6 15:53 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 lk123 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 lk123 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整

第三季第八集,Jason 在等股关节手术期间,不能出征,在家休息,很郁闷,于是邀请 Mandy周末开车远足一起玩。

聪明的Mandy, 知道那意味着什么,但是她有她的骄傲,她不愿做Jaosn 因为紧张甚至空虚下的安慰和填补空缺的人,所以她没有答应。她喜欢他吗?那还用说?!那么完美的男人,谁不动心

话说回来,这个时候不顾一切抓住他,就不用兜兜转转等到第20集了。中途还被理疗医生 Natalie 插一脚,可惜Natalie 也不能 hold 住Jason 太久。这个医生其实很聪明很有智慧,长相其实不算差。缘分未够哇。

希望Mandy 是可以最终会和Jason 过后半生的幸福女士

发表于 2020-7-6 17:26 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 lk123 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 lk123 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
本帖最后由 lk123 于 2020-7-6 17:08 编辑

第十三集,新队友Vic 终于被赶出Bravo team, 因为他以为自己可以嫁祸于Ray 炸死人质,不敢坦承自己扔的炸弹。

其实,前面几集已经有了伏笔。就是clay远远地 射死一个在车上开火力极猛的机关枪的恐怖分子时,Jason 以为是他旁边的 Vic 射杀的,表扬他说 Competent!   Vic 高兴地接受了表扬。其实是不是他射死的,怎么可能自己不清楚?如果他有 integrity, 那么他就应该马上说出来,说那个人不是他射死的,他不能够 take credit. 当时 Clay 隔得很远,不知道发生什么,也没法告诉Jason. 所以那一幕就几秒钟,马上过去了。


只是他不知道天网恢恢 疏而不漏,无人机的摄像头摄下了他扔炸弹的镜头,他终于无处藏身了,就那样,他还指望队友们包容他让他继续留着。真是荒谬。一个队里一起打仗,每次都是真枪实弹的生死考验,别人怎么还可能接受他在这个队里?!

像 Clay 一样,我从来没有喜欢过这个人,一开始就以悲情故事来获得加分,真是很小人很不磊落的做法。可惜那个时候 Jason 要表彰Ray 挽救轮船人质方案和表达未更早采纳他方案的歉意,听 Ray 的推荐,选了这个Vic 作为新兵,造成不可估量的影响。真是遗憾。


in Episode 14. Excuse me?! That Vic dared to email Ray accusing him not covering him when things went wrong, after he was evicted from Bravo team. It's very sad that for a type of people, you can never drill a sense into their mind. I met that type of person unfortunately. You thought you know them very well until you were in real tests. They couldn't cope yet they wouldn't understand it's their imcompetency and their flaws leading to their failures. They then would find opportunities to attack people witnessed their failures to protect themself from sense of failure and shame.

发表于 2020-7-8 20:24 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 lk123 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 lk123 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
第三季很多内容,其实都是讲Jason 作为优秀军人的”中年危机”。

他太太离开他,因为他太重视自己Bravo 1 的身份了,全情投入,忽略了太太和家人。
他不能真正接纳 Natalie 做他的女朋友,也是因为他觉得自己不能分心。把队伍里的问题怪罪自己未能一心一意带队伍,等于也在怪 Natalie 分他心了。



然后队友们没有他一样完成危险又很难的任务,他好失落。和B2 聊天,他终于意识到自己牺牲太多。仓皇失措地在外乱走,那个军犬又在他面前蹦跶,提醒他他们都不年轻啦。

他终于敲开了Mandy 的宿舍门。。。



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