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本帖最后由 小南瓜2013 于 2019-8-24 21:53 编辑
想请教会计大神们个BAS的问题,LZ最近刚加入这家公司,我们主要的Customer有各种不同sales rebate和settlement discount,每月这些大客户付钱给我们公司的时候直接扣除这些rebate 和discount。在我们的会计系统里,这些Rebate和discount相关的GST是在general ledger - GST on sales反应的。
这样到月底我做BAS return的时候,GST on sales (GST collected) 包含了当月invoiced sales related GST (Credit entry) and sales rebate and discount (Debit entry). 请问如果我按如下数据上报BAS, ATO会不会很快来audit我呢?
For example, my GST on sales balance is $250,000 which is the figure for 1A.
G1 (total sales inclusive GST)is $3,850,000,
G2 (Export sales ) is $429,000.
There is no other GST free sales.
Will ATO verify 1A figure using ($3850000-$429000)/11=$311,000? But my actual 1A figure is $250,000. The difference $61,000 is the GST on rebates and discounts which was booked as a Debit entry in GST on sales ledger.
我查了查之前会计的处理方法是直接上报 G1 $3,179,000, G2 $429,000 and 1A $250,000,这种方法与我上面的做法的不同之处就是G1的数据不同,LZ现在不知道该如何处理了,因为刚加入这家公司没多久,不想因为我BAS上报错误而让ATO来审计我们的BAS.