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[其他] ABC电视节目《Back Roads》 [复制链接]

发表于 2018-1-29 14:47 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2018-1-30 13:28 |显示全部楼层
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本帖最后由 tingnishuo 于 2018-1-30 11:58 编辑


这集说的是西澳矿区Pilbara - - 有珍稀岩画艺术、广袤红土的古老土地。地下还有宝藏。

而矿业的利益已经创造了一个巨大的增长和繁荣时期,但现在繁荣结束了,社区正在受到伤害,收入下降了30%左右。高峰时期的房价750,000到1,000,000 ,现在跌到350,000到450,000。

这个地区的公路上常有两辆粉红卡车行驶。 Pilbara Heavy Haulage Girls -- 2013、2014年间,有大约30名女性卡车司机活跃在这个行业,为了彰显和引导女性进入这个行业,她们组织成立这个机构,使用粉红作为标志。从那时开始,这个机构提供为女性以及少数男性卡车司机提供160小时的实操路上训练。目前等待名单人数多达500人。

Heather 是一种花,多为苏格兰女性用名。

This time,I am getting decked out in pink for a road trip like no other through the Pilbara region of WA

It's an ancient place with precious rock art, vast expanses and deep red dirt. There's also treasure underground.
The spoils from mining have created a period of massive growth and prosperity, but now that the boom is over, communities are hurting.

We are about down to 30% of our income, from the downturn,so everybody suffers.

Some remarkable locals are determined to rebuild their towns better and stronger than before.

I wanna create a future for my people beyond mining.

i want to see how the towns are managing post-boom and to meet the people who are driving change.

Heather  - as a name  - it's not bad for a Scottish weed, is it?

Heather Jones is a bit of a trailblazer in the rucking industry up here and she 'll be my guide to the Pilbara.

so tomorrow when you come trucking with me, this is your uniform, this lovely pink shirt.

What's the story behind the pink?

Ok it's called Pilbara heavy haulage girls, what we do is we bring newly licenced  truck drivers into the industry and we give them real-life work experience with us. we have two beautiful pink trucks to do this.

how does that go down with the blokes?

well  to start off with, there were a few noses out of joint up here, because we had pink trucks, bust they got used to it.

these are the salt flats. it's oil,gas,mining which is iron ore, and salt we have got a lot of goodies, here in Karratha.

in the high peak season, see these houses just here, you'd pay $750000 to 1 million for those. now they're down to about $350000 to 450000. so a lot of people have been burnt really badly since the booms dropped.

is Karrarhs a good joint to live in? yes it is very diverse, great diversity.

all th diversity is on show this weekend at Karratha's annual FeNaCLNG festival. its name is taken from the periodic table and stands for iron, salt and natural gas - the three commodities that rule this region. But that's not the only surprise.

motorbikers, they do a lot of community work, promote strong women prevention for domestic violence

this morning we are taking two triple road trains down to Onslow and we'll be collecting garbage from a station.

that doesn't sound too glamorous

backstory of Pink

in 2013, or 2014, there was a group of us girls in Karrtha, 30 female truck drivers, we decide to become more visible and just actually promote women in the industry. so we threw  a few names around and came up with Pilbara Heavy Haulage Girls and that just the banner to promote the women in the industry. From this humble beginning, they now offer women, and even a few men, 160 hours of  on- the- road driver training. Here we are now 500 people on the waiting list to come and be a Pilbara Heave Haulage Girl.

Put all my soul into it, play the way I feel.


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