发表于 2018-1-4 15:23
此文章由 Anti 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Anti 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
本帖最后由 Anti 于 2018-1-4 15:39 编辑
今天去签Vodafone, 64g的8plus 64元,sales不知怎么搞的,给了我个family members discount 直接减了10刀,54。偷着乐,一切顺利手机给我激活了。and then I go through the paperwork赫然看到36个月。马上开了手机录音准备tio见。然后我问sales她说this is the only way to get it as cheap as possible ,as we are no longer doing lock in contacts, it is a monthly plan and a monthly payment phone. You can go anytime after you finished your handset payment.我问so why don't you break it down into 20 years and I will be much happier. I should be informed all the terms rather than ask for it. and as I poped up into your store looking for price match to Optus and you are aware of it we should assume that we are on the strength of a 24-month contract. 本人说话比较大声,后来被sales们围了过来,说那你cancel吧,我就退掉走人了。所以一定要问清楚是多久的合同。因为现在v家手机合同分开的,手机不给优惠了的。
直走对面Telstra办理了39 15g unlimited national and international calls套餐。39的offer连店长都查不到,系统根本没有,只有49 10g的。我forward 给他们online chatting transcript, 他们开了一个complaint file,要我等一周帮我update,让我先用着49的。ref number 我没有,不过可以给你们transcript 有要的话。 |