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退役斑竹 2017年度勋章

发表于 2015-6-10 18:36 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 多糖 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 多糖 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
本帖最后由 多糖 于 2015-6-11 20:31 编辑



Aries.svgARIES March 21-April 19
Believe it or not, another easy, smooth, crisis-free week! (If a crisis occurs now, it comes from your personal birth chart. So, if one comes, look to your past, your actions and decisions, for both the cause and the cure.) The emphasis remains on errands, wanderlust, curiosity, paperwork, details, siblings and casual friends, trips and communications. Delays have ended in these zones, so make up for lost time now. You’ll be busy and adroit. Take that word, communications, then combine it with the fact that you’re in a super romantic phase – and it will end in two months. (Even now, another phase is overlapping – this phase is one of partnership love, which lasts to October – these phases should dovetail, to your benefit – i.e., can bring loving marriage.) But love might go nowhere without communication, especially if you gave a rejection message in the past. In all ways, in love, Aries, the onus is on you – express yourself, your heart. Sunday mid-morn to Tues. mid-afternoon emphasizes these errands, communications, etc. Retreat mildly Tues. eve to Thurs. night, be home, embrace family, garden, landscape, start renovations, revamp nutritional intake, etc. (If buying real estate, do it for the family, not for profit: and favour # 4 addresses.) You might experience some alienation or subtle push-back Wed. pm and pre-dawn Thursday, so be diplomatic, co-operative. Romance strikes, late Thurs. night to Saturday – charge, plunge, express your heart! If married or uninterested, this interval luckily supports creative, speculative and pleasure pursuits.

taurus weekly forecastTAURUS April 20-May 20
No more delays, Taurus – you can charge ahead in the pursuit of money, possessions, clothes. You like finely crafted things. You are super-favoured to buy/sell real estate/home until early August, and mildly favoured even after, to early October. (You know how I say sometimes, “Don’t start living with someone – friction will result”? Well, this is the opposite: if you started living with someone now to early Oct., affection and sweetness would result.) Money continues to flow swiftly to you – bank it, or you can easily spend more than comes. All this money, spending, possession stuff is slated Sunday mid-morn (PDT) to Tues. afternoon. Not much can go wrong. Now (Sunday) to Sept. 17, you might meet a viable, intelligent, inspiring mate. Things will progress slowly: this is a smart, careful person. Errands, trips, calls, casual friends, writing, paperwork and details fill Tues. late afternoon to Thurs. night. All’s well, but your loved one might not be able to meet you Wed. eve to Thurs. pre-dawn (PDT) or you might sense a quiet alienation from someone. (A new person met in this period will not be a good mate.) Settle into home, family, garden, neighbourhood, Fri./Sat. – you’ll be relaxed, happy, caressed by nature. It’s a tremendously lucky 2 days if you’re house hunting (quit Sat. afternoon). Also great for retirement or security plans, starting a college fund for the kids, renovations, decorating, etc.

Gemini.svgGEMINI May 21-June 20
Your energy, charisma, sexual magnetism, effectiveness and clout remain at a yearly high (and soar upward this Sunday to Tues. afternoon). Delays are gone, so you can start good new projects. Others will follow your lead. You’re tempted, if single, to turn a friendly bond to a more romantic one. This urge will last to early October, and will have some success, especially in August if you flatter someone, and in late Sept./early Oct. The question is: do you really want to succeed? Gemini loves to start love, but can become bored or burdened if/when love becomes “everyday.” Make sure you want what you conquer, especially if your goal is someone sweet who returned in the last few weeks. Your popularity remains high (to June 24) and you feel, almost every day, uplifting little moments of promise, of happy anticipation. Start communicating – reach out to make contacts. A former chore or “promising drudgery” returns now to mid-September – work here somehow improves your living standards (or bank account). Chase money, buy/sell, Tues. eve to Thursday late night. You’ll feel sensual. But alienation could seep in between you and someone Wed. eve to Thurs. pre-dawn – poor time to bring a date home, or press for intimacy. Errands, friendly romance, casual acquaintances, mail, communications, paperwork , travel, news media fill Fri./Sat. – be curious, you can learn a lot. You might make a new friend, even a lover (but read this whole message again). A perfect time to write, talk, persuade!

Cancer.svgCANCER June 21-July 22
Most delays have ended, Cancer. (They remain in partnership and love zones. A former spouse or marriage prospect – business prospect for marrieds – returns between this Sunday and early August – and “hangs around” until mid-September.) Remain restful and contemplative this week, especially Sunday morning to Tuesday afternoon. Examine situations and the people involved, then make plans. Deal with the government, institutions, charities and your own head office. (Somehow, your career, prestige are tied up with these until June 24. Be thoughtfully communicative, not impulsive.) Money, income opportunities increase now to August, and last even beyond, to October. Your energy and charisma, clout and effectiveness rise mildly Tues. afternoon to Thurs. night. All’s well, but be alert, cautious Wed. eve to dawn Thurs., when a bit of alienation or disruption/stress might occur. Chase money Fri./Sat. – two very lucky days! Contact clients, ask the boss for a promotion or pay raise, collect and pay old debts, start new income projects, sell items, hold a garage sale, and shop for a luxury item (Fri.) or a prized possession (Sat.).

Leo icon, Luck ForecastLEO July 23-Aug. 22
Another relatively easy week, Leo. You remain popular, your social life shines, a friendly romance might begin/continue, and entertainment arrives. Wishes can come true. You feel optimistic, happy! A three-month period of work on the home front begins now, but that won’t lessen your joy this week. One of those people you’re so popular with might nudge you to marry, travel far away, or to enroll in higher education; you yourself might want to jump into a law suit. Be careful with all these, Leo; a trap might lurk here. (On the plus side, communication delays have ended in these areas.) You’re not only lucky now, your “love appeal” rises, as your physical and social charms will shine, now through October. For lover Leos, this will be a grand summer! For fighter Leos, well, June’s hopes might turn to July’s defeats. Take care. Sunday morning to Tuesday afternoon brings optimism, popularity, light romance. Retreat, rest, contemplate and plan Tues. eve to Thurs. night. All’s well – but watch a domestic quarrel (or similar) Wed. eve to Thurs. dawn (PDT). Your energy and charisma soar skyward Fri./Sat. – chase your dreams, get out, see and be seen, start significant projects, or collect on ventures already begun. You’re the star – and lucky. Romance? Easy!

Virgo.svgVIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22
Delays have ended, Virgo, so charge ahead during this relatively easy week. The main accent remains on your career, ambitions, relations with higher-ups, and reputation. Pursue this, but be mild, not ruthless. VIPs and bosses can be impatient, temperamental, to late June. Grin and bear it. You are in one of the low-luck years of your life, but only until August, when one of the high-luck years of your life begins. Until then, try to grab all your life’s dangling strings in one fist and either complete them or cut them out – e.g., finish tax forms, government applications, organize your files, etc. Get ready, so that by late August onward, you can act, shoot forth, plunge into something new: even start a whole new life. These “clean up” tasks will proceed fairly smoothly and pleasantly. (And you will enjoy your moments of solitude, now to August.) Be ambitious Sunday morning to Tues. afternoon – but act alone; co-operation will be slim. You might be tempted to start a new project – I wouldn’t. Happiness, optimism, popularity, social delights, perhaps friendly romance – these visit you Tues. eve to Thurs. night. However, don’t pursue intimacy too strenuously Wed. eve to dawn Thurs. Your private life consumes you Fri./Sat., but in a good, healing, successful way. Chase civil servants, institutional contacts, contemplate and plan. Apply for a grant, aid – your chances are good!

Libra.svgLIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22
Recent delays have ended, Libra, so you can charge ahead. (Although new delays will appear in earning/shopping, home improvements, and work/employment, lasting through the summer. If you need work, first seek out those who hired you in the past. You might also have been having second thoughts about home, a property – circumstances here have “returned” since last April, making you face some old problem. By October, solutions will come.) Until late June, avoid being drawn into legal affairs, lawsuits. If a legal matter was left hanging in May, it returns now to early July – so might a school application, international travel, a publishing venture, a lecture, etc. All these are emphasized Sun. morning to Tues. afternoon, an interval of mild success. The present week is easy, smooth. Be ambitious Tues. eve to Thurs. night. You might have to “escape” home, family, to accomplish your goals Wed. eve to dawn Thurs. (PDT). But your intuition is superb Wed. morn (especially about work, health) and Thursday after dawn (after supper, in Asia) is stable, supports steady, unceasing work. Wishes come true in some form Fri./Sat., when your popularity soars, your future looks endless and bright, flirtations are “for real,” and social delights surround you. Mix, mingle, issue invitations. A group you join these two days can benefit you immensely in future, especially in religious, spiritual, psychic areas. Happiness!

Scorpio.svgSCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21
The main delays have ended, Scorpio, so you can charge ahead with many things, including sexual, financial, research/investigative, health/surgery, social and lifestyle changes. (Especially Sunday mid-morn to Tues. afternoon, when these matters arise naturally; they succeed easily dawn Monday onward. However, keep a grain of scepticism, as subtle traps/delays/dead ends could lurk here.) You might remain a little indecisive, especially about travel, auto purchase, computer and communications, through the summer. A mellow, wise mood floats over you Tues. eve to Thurs. night – publishing, advertising, higher learning, all intellectual pursuits, far travel, cultural venues, and love, all are favoured. However, tread lightly Wed. afternoon (PDT) to dawn Thursday, when others might feel a little excluded by you – and could react in a surprising way. Friday/Sat. promote ambition, business, reputation, prestige relationships: your luck is superb here, so don’t dilly-dally – get going! Your career, reputation, business and ambitions are expansively lucky until early August, and you attract affection, favours, from bosses and authorities until early October. Go!

Sagittarius.svgSAGITTARIUS Nov. 22-Dec. 21
Delays have ended, Sage, especially in relationships, relocation, dealings with the public, and negotiations in general. These are emphasized all week, but especially Sunday morn to Tues. afternoon. It’s still a little early to start a project or relationship in these areas, so take a receptive, wait-and-see approach. What seemed like a sobering development the first half of this year now backs away to give you a summer of buoyant irresponsibility. (That sobering influence will be back, mid-September, so do what you can this summer to “head it off at the pass,” or reduce its potency. E.g., you’ve had a toothache that now will recede all summer, but it will be back: so off to the dentist before autumn.) An exciting meeting might occur Monday, and leave you dreaming of romance Tuesday morning. If an old flame has returned in the past few weeks, Mon./Tues. are the time to act on it, to make that decision, yea or nay. Friday/Saturday are even better for such a decision (especially if your answer’s “Yes”). For you, love, far travel, a wedding, new intellectual horizons, all shine with radiant luck until August, and with affectionate, social luck until October. Be forward, chase what/who you want. Tackle chores and protect your health (eat/dress sensibly) Tues. eve to Thurs. night. Friday/Saturday bring intellectual pursuits, higher learning, far travel, international contacts/affairs, religious or cultural events – and love. You’re lucky – take a chance.

Capricorn.svgCAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 19
Recent delays are over, especially in work, machinery and health zones. These are emphasized this week, especially Sunday morning to Tues. afternoon. So charge ahead with these this week, but stop short of starting a new project in these areas. Something you had given up hope about these last six months, might return to tempt you again – or to please you again! Chasing this will make a wish come true. But don’t take forever – you only have until mid-September, then this thing will disappear for thirty years. A Scorpio might be involved. Relationships and opportunities that appear Tues. eve to Thursday night will excite and please – but is that you, subtly rejecting someone Wed. night or pre-dawn Thursday? Friday/Saturday bring mysteries, depths, investigation, sexual yearning, financial actions (on the large side: e.g., investment, or restructuring debt) health diagnoses, lifestyle changes, commitment and consequence. Your luck here is superb – act! Your financial and sexual concerns face superb luck until October. (Perhaps due to some action you take in late June, early July. July 1 is the peak of this influence. But acting now is urged also.) A good week!

Aquarius.svgAQUARIUS Jan. 20-Feb. 18
Delays have ended, Aquarius, so shoot forward – especially in romance, love, beauty, pleasure, creativity, speculation, risk, and in raising children – and especially this Sunday to Tues. afternoon. However, don’t start a brand-new project or relationship these three days. All’s well – though you might spend too much on pleasure, love. You might also find, on a different note, that your communications about love bring you some unwanted attention, or that you say something that quietly subverts your relationship. So this week and next, don’t be blithe about what or how you communicate – especially if you’re married. Sunday to Tuesday are deeply romantic. Tackle chores Tuesday eve to Thursday night. Protect your health, eat and dress sensibly. Be a bit careful Wed. eve to Thurs. dawn – follow safety rules, especially around chemicals, gas, and electricity. You might feel a bit “lonely in a crowd” – but not for long! Friday/Saturday bring exciting meetings, opportunity, love attraction or enemies, opportunities, relocation themes – but mostly, superb luck for Aquarians attempting to merge, bond, marry, whatever. Since July 2014, and lasting to August 2015, if you’re unhappily married, separation can occur. (If you’re married to a Leo, it can occur in Sept. and Oct., too.) This same period can bring matches made in heaven for singles. So, if single, chase someone – especially Saturday early afternoon (PDT). (To 11, 12 pm in Europe; to 7 or 9 am Sunday in India, Asia, and Aussie-land.) If married, behave – and take your mate on an adventure, even a wee one, a day trip.

Pisces.svgPISCES Feb. 19-March 20
Delays have ended, especially in home, family, property, partnership, relocation, public dealings, negotiations. Still, don’t try to start a new venture in these zones Sunday morning to Tuesday afternoon, when they are emphasized. (All’s well, it’s just that something started now will tend to wilt.) Be patient with family and kids – just putter around and enjoy nature. Romantic or creative passion, a gambling fever, or simply the joy of beauty, flow into you Tues. eve to Thurs. night. Enjoy it, but don’t disturb any “quiet apple carts” Wed. supper time to dawn Thurs. Tackle chores Fri./Sat. – these splendid two days are perfect for accomplishment, finding employment, increasing your job duties, buying machinery or tools, fixing a health problem. Act before 2 pm. (PDT) Saturday (11 pm Central Europe, 7-9 am in Asia). These days hold two elements that will slowly come together (June 30, July 1) to grow something new – something rewarding, like a financial windfall, or a job you really love. Expect work to grow until August. Then expect to be rewarded Sept./Oct. A cherished wish or goal has been elusive since last April, and will remain so until October onward, then will be “available” to you. Now to mid-September, legal, educational, international and cultural involvements, though hopeful, will progress slowly – there’s something you forgot here. It will tap you on the shoulder soon.

The End.

退役斑竹 2011年度奖章获得者 2014年度奖章获得者

发表于 2015-6-10 20:36 来自手机 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 明河素月 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 明河素月 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整


参与人数 1积分 +6 收起 理由
pessy + 6 等巨蟹和处女


发表于 2015-6-10 21:58 |显示全部楼层
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本帖最后由 shine_on 于 2015-6-11 00:50 编辑






多糖  在2015-6-11 10:15  +18分  并说

退役斑竹 2011年度奖章获得者 2014年度奖章获得者

发表于 2015-6-11 00:34 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 明河素月 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 明河素月 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整






多糖  在2015-6-11 10:15  +18分  并说
C'est la vie.

退役斑竹 2011年度奖章获得者 2014年度奖章获得者

发表于 2015-6-11 00:35 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 明河素月 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 明河素月 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整






参与人数 1积分 +5 收起 理由
talen + 5 感谢分享



多糖  在2015-6-11 10:16  +18分  并说
C'est la vie.

退役斑竹 2011年度奖章获得者 2014年度奖章获得者

发表于 2015-6-11 00:36 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 明河素月 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 明河素月 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整






参与人数 1积分 +2 收起 理由
tingnishuo + 2 感谢分享



多糖  在2015-6-11 10:16  +18分  并说
C'est la vie.

发表于 2015-6-11 10:56 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 jetty 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 jetty 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整

拖延已经结束,特别是在家庭,家庭,财产,合伙,搬迁,公共交易,谈判方面。不过,在这些领域还是不要试图开始新事业,周日上午到周二下午尤其强调。 (一切还好,只是说现在开始的话将趋于枯萎。)对家人和孩子有耐心-只是做做闲事享受自然。浪漫的或创造性的激情,喜好赌博,或单纯的美的快乐,流淌在你的周二傍晚到周四晚上。但是周三晚饭时间到周四天亮之间,享受,别找别扭。周五/周六处理杂事-这精彩的两天是取得成就,找到工作,增加你的工作职责,购买机器或工具,解决健康问题的完美时间。周六下午2点(PDT时间)之前行动。(中欧下午11点,上午7-9点亚洲)。这些天两种因素会慢慢走到一起(6月30日,7月1日)带来新东西-有回报的,比如一个意外的收获,或喜爱的工作。直到八月工作预计会增长,然后九月/十月得到回报。珍惜的愿望或目标自去年4月后被遗忘,而且将继续如此直到10月以后,然后你将可以得到。现在至九月中旬,在法律,教育,国际和文化参与方面,有希望但进展缓慢-你遗忘了什么。它很快会来拍你的肩膀。


多糖  在2015-6-11 12:03  +18分  并说

发表于 2015-6-11 13:00 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 vincentwacky 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 vincentwacky 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
蝎子,迟滞期已基本上结束了,你可以开始做事情了,可以谈情说爱、搞财务、研究调查、维护健康、做手术、社交、调整生活方式。周日破晓至周二下午,这些事会自然浮现,并会在周一清晨时分轻松成功,最宜人。不过,此时仍潜伏着隐忧、延迟和危机,所以你仍需保持一丝警惕。整个夏天,你可能都有些优柔寡断,特别是旅行、购买汽车、电脑和沟通等方面。周二傍晚至周四晚,你成熟睿智,宜出版发行、广告宣传、高等教育、学术追求、长途旅行、文化活动、谈情说爱。不过,周三下午至周四清晨你得小心,这时别人可能会觉得你颇为排外,并用出人意料的过激反应回报你。周五、周六,你好运爆棚,该抱负满怀,拓展生意,彰显威望,扩大关系网,一往直前,切莫虚度了好光阴! 8月初之前,你的事业、声望、生意和野心满是幸运。10月初之前,你是老板和权威眼里的红人,备受青睐。加油!


多糖  在2015-6-11 13:45  +18分  并说

发表于 2015-6-11 13:05 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 vincentwacky 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 vincentwacky 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整


多糖  在2015-6-11 13:45  +18分  并说

发表于 2015-6-11 20:21 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 安睡如婴 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 安睡如婴 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
Aries.svgARIES March 21-April 19
白羊 3月21日 到 4月19日
Believe it or not, another easy, smooth, crisis-free week!
(If a crisis occurs now, it comes from your personal birth chart. So, if one comes, look to your past, your actions and decisions, for both the cause and the cure.)
The emphasis remains on errands, wanderlust, curiosity, paperwork, details, siblings and casual friends, trips and communications.
Delays have ended in these zones, so make up for lost time now.
You’ll be busy and adroit. Take that word, communications, then combine it with the fact that you’re in a super romantic phase – and it will end in two months. (Even now, another phase is overlapping – this phase is one of partnership love, which lasts to October – these phases should dovetail, to your benefit – i.e., can bring loving marriage.)
本周你会有些忙碌但非常灵敏。记住,与人交流, 你正处在一个非常浪漫的时期,而这个时期将会在两个月后结束。(直至十月,你还将处在一种会与队友产生爱恋的时期,而这两种时期虽然重合但是非常吻合,抓住机会,这可能让你不如幸福的婚姻殿堂)

But love might go nowhere without communication, especially if you gave a rejection message in the past.

In all ways, in love, Aries, the onus is on you – express yourself, your heart.

Sunday mid-morn to Tues. mid-afternoon emphasizes these errands, communications, etc. Retreat mildly Tues. eve to Thurs. night, be home, embrace family, garden, landscape, start renovations, revamp nutritional intake, etc.

(If buying real estate, do it for the family, not for profit: and favour # 4 addresses.) You might experience some alienation or subtle push-back Wed. pm and pre-dawn Thursday, so be diplomatic, co-operative. Romance strikes, late Thurs. night to Saturday – charge, plunge, express your heart! If married or uninterested, this interval luckily supports creative, speculative and pleasure pursuits.
(如果要添置不动产,请以为你的家人提供更舒适的家为目的,而不是追逐利益,4号的门牌号可能更适合本周的白羊们)。 白羊们可能在周三的晚间和周四的黎明前夕会经历一些关系上的疏远或感到有一点压力。请全身心地去表达你的内心。如果已婚或者不考虑结婚, 这段间隙正是你去发挥创造力,推断力和 追求快乐的好时机。


多糖  在2015-6-11 20:40  +18分  并说

退役斑竹 2017年度勋章

发表于 2015-6-11 20:41 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 多糖 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 多糖 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
安睡如婴 发表于 2015-6-11 19:21
Aries.svgARIES March 21-April 19
白羊 3月21日 到 4月19日
Believe it or not, another easy, smooth, cr ...

感谢翻译 下回翻译的话 直接贴译文就好了 原文不用贴哦

退役斑竹 2017年度勋章

发表于 2015-6-11 20:58 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 多糖 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 多糖 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整




多糖  在2015-6-11 20:58  +18分  并说

退役斑竹 2017年度勋章

发表于 2015-6-11 21:13 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 多糖 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 多糖 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整





多糖  在2015-6-11 21:13  +18分  并说

退役斑竹 2017年度勋章

发表于 2015-6-11 21:31 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 多糖 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 多糖 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整




多糖  在2015-6-11 21:31  +18分  并说

退役斑竹 2017年度勋章

发表于 2015-6-11 21:42 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 多糖 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 多糖 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整




多糖  在2015-6-11 21:42  +18分  并说


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