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个人认为,溶入所谓西方PROFESSIONAL WAY OF LIVING, 俺们就一定要让自己的声音为大众所听见。无论是感谢-真应该出声表扬一些帮助过自己的人,STEPPING OUT OF THEIR NORMAL LINE TO WORK HARDER FOR ME,而且是向他的直接上司. 还是投诉-真诚的希望他们能提高服务。
所以仅此贴上我前些日子给SUPER公司写的投诉信。背景: 因为二进宫以前的公司,我有两个帐号,但是从二月底直到上周,打电话,写传真和信件几次,这个简单的事还没处理好。一怒之下,我写给他们投诉信,看来还是很管用的。投诉信上周一寄出,地址是HOBERT的,昨天就收到了两个帐号合并的确认,和一封非常正式的投诉回复,虽然上面说他们还在调查中,但是有CASE #和CASE OFFICER专门跟进,还是比较满意的。
另外请教大拿们,今天我的PROERPTY MANAGER终于帮我解决了一个困扰我长达3个月到半年之久的一个租客的问题,这个租客非常难搞,今天终于取得阶段性胜利,我非常想写个感谢信,大家有没有好的样板我借鉴一下?先谢过,有回复我加分感谢啊!!
To ABC Super, Complain Officer
Attention: Complain Officer:
Dear Sir/Madam,
This is APPLE, (DOB XX/XX/XXXX), it appears I had two super accounts with ABC Super. They are: 02ABCDE and 01FGHIJ, I had asked to merge these two accounts into one since late February. It was so frustrated it still hasn’t been done till today. I remembered to call your office in the mid of Feb, the officer told me I shall send a letter with account details and my signature to the same address as above, then this work can be done within 2 weeks, and I could expect a confirmation letter of account combination to my mailing address afterwards.
I’ve done this as attached a copy of letter which I send by Feb 28, 2008. I also called your customer service number one week later (Early March) and has been confirmed you received the letter. Till Mid of April, I haven’t received any feedback, I called your customer service number 2 times and firstly been told they were working on this, secondly was told it is a human error that you were still contacting my pervious employer to confirm the cease of my employment on account 01FGHIJ. I once again explained to the officer of my employment with Company A, later called Company B in account 02ABCDE, is a same company, please take action to combine the accounts as soon as possible. I took the officer’s personal wording in second time, he said, he will look after that and make sure it would happen in 2 weeks, otherwise someone will contact me for what I need to do or anything is needed from me.
Today is May 12th, I just called your customer service hot line, and was told once again it is a human error that no one was actually looking after this matter till now. I felt so disappointed for your customer service, is this combining 2 accounts a so difficult matter? And shall I trust your officer wording that they will look after my accounts in future? This made me re-confirm for such a poor service and couldn’t trust your wording at all. I therefore seeking to transfer the remaining of my accounts to another super management company, at least they can look after customer’s simple request in a reasonable time frame.
I think it is necessary to seek you, ABC Super Complain Officer an answer for what did happen in my accounts, it will also help you to improve your service in future. I’ve been told by this time, Mr. XYZ will check with administration department to follow up.
I expect an official answer from you to explain what’s happen there to result this poor service and any action can be taken to fulfil my simple request please.
I can be contacted by number: 123456, or email:
Thanks and looking forward your prompt reply.
May 12, 2008
[ 本帖最后由 applenet 于 2008-6-3 12:19 编辑 ] |