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我入这行时间很短,去年在TAFE读了C3,毕业之后很lucky的就找到了full time assistant的职位,一直做的很顺心,但是不太喜欢centre里的某一个员工,加上我在读diploma,我们centre不符合我做work placement的要求,所以我一直在seek上看工作。
之前看到一个在我家附近的council cc招人,我真的觉得这就是我要去的地方,我请了一个礼拜的annual leave用来准备这次面试,包括我要分享的这份interview questions。很可惜,这个centre director在面试的时候就给我一种非常不好的感觉,她根本就没在听我说什么,整个过程心不在焉,感觉很想快点结束,大概15分钟不到就问完了,连基本的问问我有没有问题都没问,我面完就知道没希望了。我失落了好一阵子才恢复过来。
没过多久,我又看到一个大学要新开一个cc,我问老公要去试试吗,其实我心里觉得应该没希望,因为我毕竟只有半年的工作经验,也许就是因为这个原因,上次面试才那么惨烈。老公说试试也没什么损失,我就把我的资料稍微改了改发了过去,很快就有了面试机会,我什么也没准备就去了,没想到,面试我的两个director非常非常nice,和我聊得很愉快,大家都觉得是在拉家常了,她们问我的所有问题我都在上次准备到了,一共面试了40分钟。然后过了一个礼拜,她们做了我reference check,说我的reference给了很高的评价,然后当天晚上就决定要我了,工资比council的还好。我真的没想到我是这么的lucky!
所以我希望和大家分享我准备的interview questions,希望在找工作的同学好好准备,我一共准备了10页的答案,当然不是要你死记硬背,但是如果你心里有底的话,临场发挥会更好!
Interview Questions
1. What experience have you had with children, and what do you feel your strengths are?
2. What interests you about working with your children?
3. What's your greatest weakness?
4. Tell us about your experience with programming for the development needs of children?
5. Please tell us about any experience you have had working with children with additional needs.
6. What issues do you consider when setting up an environment and keeping children safe? How do these differ from 0-3’s to 3-5’s?
7. What do you do if;
A one-year old baby bit another baby?
A two-year old toddler did not comply with a request made by you?
A four-year old child took a toy away from another child?
8. How can you help parents feel more comfortable about leaving their children in Child Care?
9. Demonstrated ability to work in partnership with families
10. What would you do if a parent came to you and complain about another staff member?
11. Tell us about a time when you have disagreed with or been upset with something a co-work did. What did you do?
12. Why should we hire you?
13. Why do you want to leave your current job?
14. What's your view on sustainable practices in early childhood?
15. Personal Philosophy in guiding children's learning and development
16. Have you been in a position where you are designing the curriculum and/or environment for children in early childhood education?
17. How do you resolve conflict?
18. Do you have any questions for us?
19. How to deal with ethical dilemma?
20. What would you do if a parent was very upset that her child got hit by another child?