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前阵子在ebay上卖了一件物品,通过Paypal收到钱后到邮局用regular parcel把东西寄出。过了几天,买家说没有收到货,我说再等等,可能过几天就到。等了几天还没到,买家就在Paypal开了not receive item dispute,我就把寄东西时的邮局发票复印给买家发了过去,说我确实寄了。没寄到不是我的责任,我会帮助他同Australian Post交涉,申请索赔。改天我申请了索赔,向买家做了通报。买家几天后在Paypal上将dispute上升为Claim,要Paypal调查,然后由Paypal决定如何处理。又过了好多天,邮局终于电话调查,结论是东西找不到了,会赔偿,要我提供证据。我按规定提供了证据,估计过几天邮局就会理赔,给我寄张Money order。
这时候Paypal的调查结束了,按我以前的经验,我寄东西用的是regula parcel,没有tracking number。这样Paypal 就不能核实我确实寄了东西,买家说没有收到,铁钉是要我赔偿。谁知Paypal却说调查结束了,Paypal 会赔买家的损失,不用我付款。真的是喜从天降!以前Paypal都是向着买家,我被整过几次,这次终于没损失,如果邮局最终赔偿的话,我还赚到了。
Dear XXX, PayPal has concluded the investigation of the following claim: Transaction Date: 20 Jan 2008 Transaction Amount: -$29.00 AUD Your Transaction ID: XXXXXX Buyer's Transaction ID: xxxxxxx Case Number: xxxxxx Buyer's Name: xxx Buyer's Email:xxxx A refund has been initiated on your behalf. PayPal will pay the full amountof the refund and no funds will be taken from your account. Please allow upto five days for the refund to be processed and the case closed. This claim was closed amicably. Please consider this when leaving feedbackfor this buyer. Thank you for your cooperation. Yours sincerely, Protection Services Department |