Baby Carrier Original 0+Months
RRP: AU$129.99
NOW: AU$50.00!!!
8-25 LBS
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Ergonomic for your child
Properly supports your child’s head, back and hips from birth.
Safe and user-friendly
Safe for your child and easy for you to put on and take off without assistance.
Small and handy
Uses minimal space and is easy to take with you.
朋友送了另外一个,所以我想卖掉这一个. 我只买了3个月,最多用过5次.我在TARGET买的, 原价要129元,现在我只卖50澳元, 绝对有95%新。这个背带质量很好的,这个产品是澳洲产护学院认可产品!!
有意者请联系:HELEN (0425 744 935) |