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“For my own part, I believe that there is social and psychological justification for significant inequalities of incomes and wealth, but not for such large disparities as exist to-day. There are valuable human activities which require the motive of money-making and the environment of private wealth-ownership for their full fruition. Moreover, dangerous human proclivities can be canalized into comparatively harmless channels by the existence of opportunities for money-making and private wealth, which, if they cannot be satisfied in this way, may find their outlet in cruelty, the reckless pursuit of personal power and authority, and other forms of self-aggrandizement. It is better that a man should tyrannize over his bank balance than over his fellow-citizens; and whilst the former is sometimes denounced as being but a means to the latter, sometimes at least it is an alternative. But it is not necessary for the stimulation of these activities and the satisfaction of these proclivities that the game should be played for such high stakes as at present. Much lower stakes will serve the purpose equally well, as soon as the players are accustomed to them. The task of transmuting human nature must not be confused with the task of managing it. Though in the ideal commonwealth men may have been taught or inspired or bred to take no interest in the stakes, it may still be wise and prudent statesmanship to allow the game to be played, subject to rules and limitations, so long as the average man, or even a significant section of the community, is in fact strongly addicted to the money-making passion”. (Keynes, John. M. 1936. The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company. p. 374).
(2)Hayek, F. A. 1944. The Road to Serfdom. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. p. 40.
(3)Keynes, John. M. 1936. The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company. pp. 378-379.
(4)Hayek, F. A. 1944. The Road to Serfdom. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. p. 25.
(5)Keynes, John M. 1963. “Am I a Liberal?” In Essays in Persuasion. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 邓小平在“改革”初期,大概面临过与凯恩斯同样的困境:党内外的左翼是墨守成规的死硬派,他们分不清为社会主义治病和推翻共产党的区别。党内外的右翼是唯恐天下不乱的灾难派,不管他们的口号是“全盘西化”,还是“自由民主”,都是要一夜间彻底改变现成秩序。而一夜间改变秩序,不管是从“左”面改变还是从 “右”面改变,都会导致革命。而革命,往往导致灾难。
(6)Keynes, John M. 1963. “The End of Laissez-Faire”. In Essays in Persuasion. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 凯恩斯有关“手段”和“目的”的区分,无疑受到摩尔伦理哲学的影响。凯恩斯那辈经济学家,往往有很好的哲学修养。和实证主义流行后,只会做统计模型的经济学家不可同日而语。参见 Robert Skidelsky “Keynes and the Ethics of Capitalism”.
(7)Schumpeter, Joseph A. 1942. Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy. New York: Harper & Row Publishers. p. 6.
(8)Parsons, Wayne. 2003. “Politics and Markets: Keynes and his Critics”. In The Cambridge History of Twentieth-Century Political Thought. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
(9)罗曼 • 罗兰, “向过去告别”。载罗大冈编《认识罗曼 • 罗兰》,中国社会科学出版社,1988年版。罗曼 • 罗兰像欧洲许多自由知识分子一样,心灵遭受第一次世界大战的强烈震撼。这位在这一时期撰写了“超乎战乱之上”和“精神独立宣言”的作者,在“向过去告别” 的结尾处这样写道:“我不是一位活动家,而是一位思想家,所以我认为自己的责任在于努力保持欧洲思想的纯洁、明确、公正、自由,不从属于任何党派。一九一七年三月,列宁想让我跟他一起回俄国,我据绝了”。然而,一九一九年罗曼 • 罗兰的思想进一步转变,他继续写道:“一方面,我仍然希望以自由、明智、勇敢的个人主义为基础,建立起一个没有国界的国际主义思想堡垒。另一方面,指南针指着北方,欧洲的先锋和苏联的英雄革命者所奔向的目标是:重建人类社会和道德!”这些话,今天读来恍如隔世。但是,这在当时的欧洲并不罕见。凯恩斯在一九二五年的“简评俄国”一文中,就在道德层面上持有类似观点。只是作为经济学家,他始终怀疑苏联经济制度的有效性
(10)Einstein, Albert. 1949. “Why Socialism?” In Ideas and Opinions. New York: Wings Books. 爱因斯坦在文章中用过的“为使用生产,而非为利润生产”(production for use, not production for profit),遭到哈耶克的反复嘲笑。
(11)国际关系理论中理想主义和现实主义争论的经典文章,可看E. H. Carr在第二次世界大战前夕出版的“The Twenty Years’ Crisis 1919-1939”。
(15)Hayek, F. A. 1988 The Fatal Conceit: The Errors of Socialism. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. pp. 11-28.
(16)Hayek, F. A. 1979 The Counter-Revolution of Science. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund.
(17)Hayek, F. A. 1982 “Liberalism”. In New Studies in Philosophy, Politics, Economics and the History of Ideas. London and Henley. pp. 119-151.
(18)Ronald Hamowy. 1999. “F. A. Hayek, On the Occasion of the Centenary of His Birth”. In Cato Journal, Vol. 19, No. 2
(19)Hayek, F. A. 1988 The Fatal Conceit: The Errors of Socialism. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. pp. 48-65.
(20)Hayek, F. A. 1988 The Fatal Conceit: The Errors of Socialism. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. p. 53.
(21)Parsons, Wayne. 2003. “Politics and Markets: Keynes and his Critics”. In The Cambridge History of Twentieth-Century Political Thought. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 及Hayek, F. A. 1988 The Fatal Conceit: The Errors of Socialism. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. p. 57.
(22)Rothbard, Murray. 1992. “Keynes, the Man”. In “Dissent on Keynes: a Critical Appraisal of Keynesian Economics. New York: Praeger. Pp 171-198.
(24)Rothbard, Murray. 1992. “Keynes, the Man”. In “Dissent on Keynes: a Critical Appraisal of Keynesian Economics. New York: Praeger. Pp 171-198.
(25)Keynes, John M. 1963. “Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren ” In Essays in Persuasion. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.
(26)Moore, G. E. 2004. Principia Ethica. New York: Dover Publications, Inc. p.iv.
(29)所谓trickle-down economics,在美国几乎和里根经济学或供应学派是同义语。指给富人减税,最终穷人也会受益。此派的基础,是那条据说诞生在一张餐巾纸上的拉弗曲线(Laffer Curve)。
(30)Friedman, Milton. 2002. Capitalism and Freedom. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. p. ix.
(31)Friedman, Milton. 1994. “Introduction to the Fiftieth Anniversary Edition”. In The Road to Serfdom. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. pp. xvi-xvii.
(33)Shaw, George Bernard. Fabian Essays in Socialism. New York: Dolphin Books. P. 22.
(35)Polanyi, Karl. 2001 The Great Transformation. Boston: Beacon Press. p. 147. |