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[其他信息] 关于midwife和obstetrician的区别 [复制链接]

发表于 2010-7-16 22:53 |显示全部楼层
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Comparisons between a Midwife and an Obstetrician
Both midwives and obstetricians can help you give birth to your baby.
Both professionals can take care of your prenatal and postpartum needs.
Midwives and obstetricians can both write prescription orders and referrals for prenatal testing.

Contrasts between a Midwife and an Obstetrician
Midwives tend to have a more holistic, natural philosophy about childbirth, whereas obstetricians are more likely to have a medical perspective and view birth as a risk.
Midwives tend to spend more time with you during labor and in prenatal visits than an obstetrician, who may be in and out of the birthing room until the final stages of pushing and birth.
Obstetricians are more likely than midwives to use medical interventions such as inductions, continuous monitoring, episiotomies as well as recommend cesareans.
Midwives, in some cases, practice in birth centers or a homebirths in addition to hospital births, unlike obstetricians who practice only in a hospital setting.
Obstetricians are trained as surgeons and can do a cesarean, whereas a midwife cannot perform major surgery.
Obstetricians can treat both low and high-risk mothers but midwives can see only low-risk patients.

Read more at Suite101: Midwife or Obstetrician: How to choose between a midwife and an obstetrician for your birth. http://pregnancychildbirth.suite ... ician#ixzz0tqiokCeh


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