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CMA Corporation Limited
The securities of CMA Corporation Limited (the “Company”) will be suspended from
quotation immediately, at the request of the Company, pending release of an
announcement in relation to a proposed equity raising and restructure of its working
capital and inventory finance facilities.
Security Code: CMV
Dear Sir,
Request for voluntary suspension
CMA Corporation Limited (ASX: CMV) (“CMA”) requests an immediate voluntary suspension of its
securities from quotation while it:
(a) considers potential capital raising alternatives; and
(b) conducts negotiations with its lenders to restructure its working capital and inventory
finance facilities.
CMA is in discussions with various parties in relation to proposed equity investments and is also in
discussions with its lenders to restructure its working capital and inventory finance facilities. Given
the current state of discussions and negotiations CMA is not able to presently provide the market
with sufficient information to ensure that CMA's shares do not trade on an uninformed basis.
CMA expects to be able to provide an update of its position to the market by the end of next week.
CMA is not aware of any reason why the suspension should not be granted.
Yours |