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原帖由 aussiecrocodile 于 2009-10-20 10:09 发表 
我认为是可以的,楼主可以去查一下相关的文件,最重要的一条就是父母是不是AUSTRALIAN RESIDENT FOR TAX PURPOSE,关于这一条我打电话问过ATO,我把情况说了一下,他们说听起来是OK的,但他们不能给你明确的答案,但 ...
Right before you use the calculator, the ATO website has already said that the offset is not available for visitors or people on holiday. they must reside here in australia, the word reside is the key, i believe, the six months test is not the issue in this instance. If the parents are visitors to Australia, they must have permanet abode overseas, since they will have to go back after 3 months, 6 months or a year. Therefore it is hard to justify that they reside here in Australia.
The calculator is only for people whoes parents reside here in Australia.
If we have to consider the 183 days tests, under 183 days tests, it states that.
a person who is actually present in Australia for more than half the income year, whether continuously or intermittently, may be said to be a resident in Australia for tax purposes unless it can be established that:
the person’s usual place of abode is outside Australia; and
the person has no intention to take up residence in Australia. |