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本帖最后由 小刚哥 于 2021-6-11 14:40 编辑
Update : 上午收到通知的刹那,我恍惚的以为我在应聘 CIA 。这帮哥们真是不含糊,能整得全给我整上了 。
• Verbal Critical Reasoning: Measures your ability to interpret and analyse information presented in a written format.
• Numerical Critical Reasoning: Measures your ability to interpret and analyse information presented in a quantitative format, for example, numbers and statistics in tables, graphs, etc. You are allowed to use a calculator with this assessment.
• Inductive Reasoning: Measures your ability to interpret unfamiliar or 'abstract' information using patterns.
• Error Checking: Measures your ability to check the accuracy of information provided.
• A Personality & Work Preference Questionnaire: A questionnaire that looks at your personality tendencies and preferred work style.
最近面试了一家公司,各方反馈都不错。但是中介说雇主还想做个 Psychometric testing 。 我直接懵圈了,这个是什么鬼。
有谁做过类似的测试吗?大概什么状况 ?这种测试有什么办法练习或者准备吗?