
匿名 发表于 2020-4-6 11:56
本帖最后由 匿名 于 2020-4-6 11:32 编辑
想问问坛子里的contractor们(IT方面的), contactor是不是不享受public holiday? 而是上一天班,拿一天的钱啊?
please refer to email from company below -
"As you might be aware contractors are not entitled to any annual/sick leave, public holidays etc. These benefits are only available for permanent employees unfortunately"
更新来了。。。我翻出来agreement, 找到了相关条款
“Other than as expressly set out in this Agreement or as required by law, 'the company' has no responsibility to Contractor in respect of personal/carers’ leave, annual leave, parental leave,public holidays; ......”
现在关键就在这个是不是law有相关规定了 |