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Toys ‘R’ Us goes into administration in Australia
http://www.news.com.au/finance/b ... 7de1ffde6e0e53e3e90
对于该店Gift Card和积分的持有者最好尽早使用,相关风险请参考Dick Smith破产托管时的处理方式
<Calls for Coles and Woolworths to refund ‘worthless’ Dick Smith gift cards>
http://www.news.com.au/finance/b ... c662a0a8516f6a13bee
“However, the ability to earn and redeem loyalty points will be suspended.”
关于如何处理Gift Card,大家可以参考以下建议:
An ASIC spokesperson said there were other options for gift card holders, including registering as an unsecured creditor, or exploring whether the person who purchased the gift card is able to get a reversal on the payment via their credit or debit card.
(https://www.smh.com.au/business/ ... 0180522-p4zgqx.html)
Where you have paid for a product or service by way of a credit arrangement (credit card or loan) and the product or service does not arrive because the company has gone into external administration, you may be able to request a chargeback on the transaction from your financial institution or bank that issued the credit card. You should make this request as soon as possible as there may be time limits on chargeback claims.
(https://www.accc.gov.au/consumer ... -business-goes-bust)
During a period of external administration companies often continue trading under the control of the external administrator.If the external administrator has announced that the company will honour specific offers or transactions – such as gift cards or lay-bys – you should follow the directions given by the administrator.
(https://www.accc.gov.au/consumer ... -business-goes-bust)
有兴趣的朋友最好先盯好商品(根据之前经验,热销商品一般会在消息放出前内部员工消化一批),去实体店确认一下,Toys R Us 官网尚没有反应出 Closing Down Sale
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