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Jim Morrison
"Far Arden" ~ by Jim Morrison
And so I say to you-:
The silk handkerchief
was embroidered in China or Japan ~
behind the steel curtain ~
and now one can cross the borderline
without proper credentials.
This is to say that we are all sen-sate
and occasionally sad,
and if every partner in crime were to
in-corporate promises in this programme ~
the land might end~~~and all our friends
would follow another programme.
Who are our friends? (I know you love me to talk this way)
Are they solemn and slow?
Do they have great desire?
Or are they one of the multitude who,
.......walk..... doubting .....their impossible regret~~.
Certainly, things happen, and re-occur,
and continue as promised. All of us
have found a safe nit-ch where we can
store up riches and talk to our fellows
on the same premise of disaster.
But this will not do! No, this will never do......!
There are continents and shores
which beseech our understanding.
Seldom have we been so slow~~
Seldom have we been so far ~~
My only wish is to see
F a r A r d e n again ...... (and this next part will be done in a woman's voice)
The truth is on his chest.
The cellular excitement has
totally inspired our magic bedroom.
And now for an old trip ~ I'm tired ~~~of the night.
I want the old forms to re-ignite their sexual pool. (My friend is just......you know)
And this morning before I sign off,
I would like to tell you about
Texas Radio and the big beat.
It moves into the perimeter of your
Sacred sincere and dedicated smile,
Like a con Veteran of the psychic war.
He was no general for he was not old.
He was no private~~for he could not be ~~sold.
He was only a man, and his
Dedication extended to the last degree.
Poor pretentious soldier ~
Come home............ |