在M2里,因为上个财政年度只来了半年,所以虽然在澳洲期间都有买私人保险,但第一个问题(是否全年都有保险cover)好像是只能答No,然后到了后面,又问“the number of days during 2007/08 which you are not liable for the Medicare levy surcharge”,添了366,我的想法是在澳洲期间,我没有义务,不在这期间,当然更没有义务,请问对吗?
You do not have to pay Medical Levy Surcharge if you were in an exemption category for the whole of 2007–08 and you did not have any dependants or, if you had dependants, they were also all in an exemption category and/or they all had private patient hospital cover for the whole of 2007–08.