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2013-9-30 13:10| 发布者: pangpang | 查看: 36082| 原文链接

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1. Head of Bight
Want to see a whale? Stand at the top of a 90m limestone cliff with the Nullarbor at your back and witness some wild ocean on SA's Far West coast.
想要看到一只鲸鱼?站在90米的石灰岩悬崖的顶部,背对纳拉伯Nullarbor,在SA遥远的西海岸可以看到一些完全自然的海洋。 (只要确保是在6月和10月之间。这是一个漫长的车程,如果日期搞错的话,后果自付)。沿海湾头的海岸线海驾驶,将是一段令人兴奋的车程。

2.Tailem Bend's pink lake
After Lake Eyre floods, it's known for going pink. But that's a really, really long drive (and, let's face it, doesn't happen very often) so if you want pink water that's a little closer, get on the Princes Highway. Between Tailem Bend and Meningie you'll find another pink lake, made that shade by the algae. We'd advise against swimming.
The pink lake, on the Prince Highway between Meningie and Tailem Bend.
在艾尔湖Lake Eyre 洪水过后,人们知道它会变成粉红色的。但是,去艾尔湖可是一个好,好,好长的车程,(让我们面对它,这种情况并不常发生)。(所以去艾尔湖看粉红湖水不太现实, pangpang加注)

所以如果你想离粉红色的水域近点(就忘掉艾尔湖,pangpang加注),开上王子高速公路吧。在泰勒姆弯Tailem Bend 和Meningie之间,你会发现另一个粉红色的湖泊,由藻类形成。(所以)我们不建议您在湖中游泳。
(Tailem Bend 离 Adelaide不过1.5小时,pangpang去过,但当时不知道这湖)

3. Remarkable Rocks 这个是袋属岛的代表景点之一,地球人都知道,就不翻译了
They resemble a giant child's bizarre cast-off toys - eroded by wind, rain and sea spray for millions of years, you'll find them on Kangaroo Island, in Flinders Chase National Park. A little advice - if you're going to go, hang around until sunset. The lichen on the rocks make for great photos

4.Pool of Siloam
No, not that Pool of Siloam , but one that's apparently seven times as salty as the ocean. You'll find it in Beachport, in SA's South-East. Not only does it make learning to swim pretty easy, it also allegedly has healing properties
4. 赛洛姆池

5.Magnetic Hill
Near Orroroo, in South Australia's north, it's said that at Magnetic Hill your car will roll up the hill , not down. The optical illusion (the layout of hills around you make it look like the slight downhill slope is actually uphill) doesn't always work very well
在南澳大利亚北部的 Orroroo附近,据说在磁山,你的车会自动滚上山去,而不是朝下滚。其实那是光造成的错觉(周围的山丘的布局,使轻微的下坡看起来像是上坡)。 这种错觉并不是时时会产生的

