tailor的季节来啦!昨晚海滩上到处都是疯狂的渔夫,飞舞的鱼竿,和成群的tailor。show几张今天拍的照片。 看看今天GC的报纸头版新闻: It's tailor time and anglers are in a feeding frenzy 21Jun08 FISHERMEN flocked to The Spit last night as the tailor run hit top gear. About 200 fishermen filled the sand-pumping jetty with many more on the beaches as the fishing frenzy went into overdrive. Staff at the sand pumping jetty kiosk said more than 3000 tailor had been caught since the season began on Tuesday. "There's been at least 1000 caught every night," said kiosk supervisor John Murphy. "We only count the number of people we have out there fishing and there were about 280 on Thursday night and most people bucketed it out (caught fish). "We've got no control if they've got more than 20, but sometimes the fisheries boys set up in the car park and check." Jetty staff put up a sign reminding anglers of the 20 tailor bag limit. "We've had a couple of small runs over the past few weeks but from Tuesday night onwards they really started hammering." Mr Murphy said they expected about 200 fisherman a night during the tailor season. "It'll be busy, busy, busy and keep us on our toes," he said. "We usually get three really good months of tailor fishing through winter." Yana Sirant and Alex Miroon were some of the hundreds wetting a line last night. Mr Miroon said he had a new rod to try out after breaking his old one catching tailor earlier in the week. "Between me and Dad we got 30, but then I snapped my rod," he said. "I got too excited and hit it on the pipe while I was casting." [ 本帖最后由 fredjf 于 2008-6-21 13:40 编辑 ] |