入題- 獨樂樂不如眾樂樂~Proudly brought to you by your tight-arse accountant friend Maxii. 如果你從未有過ME Bank的Everyday Transaction Account,現在是你的機會了。 11月19號前沒有ME Bank ET Account的人在11月30號前在以下官網地址申請ET Account,申請表內promo field填寫ME Bank11月19號前的舊有客戶(例如我)的ET Account號碼,申請成功後ME Bank在新舊客戶accounts裏同時送現金$50,而且新客戶會享有六個月的paypass 5%返現,例如一個月你花$1,000就有$50返現到你ME Bank戶口。 這個ET Account不收取銀行費用,不是信用卡申請,不會影響你的credit rating。網上申請只需五分鐘。如果你身邊有ME Bank11月19號前的舊有客戶朋友可以用他/她的account number作application 裏的promo code,沒有的話可以私信我用我的。 。。。原來我沒有權限發url連結。。。。 網址連結請私信我。。。 If you never had a ME bank account before, here's a chance for your $50 free cash for opening a transaction bank account with 5% cash back of your spending (not credit card account) with no fees. Straight forward, one off $50 free cash when you open the bank account, and if you spend say $1,000 a month via pay pass from that account, you will be getting $50 cash back. From my tight-arse point of view this is better than all credit card reward point systems in the market. You do the sum. Offer available until 30/11/2014. |