I just signed a Iphone 6 + Telstra, L Plan, with a friend of my collegue for about $71 a month (after credit), I will probably get some bonus (not sure what yet) from the promoter if I introduce my friends, so anyone who is interested please message me in private. I can give you the promoter's contact and I would need your name and phone number. Below is the detail about the offer. (There might be little variances please contact the promoter for more details) 更新1:Telstra的phone credit 不可以用来打国际电话,telstra 和 Telstra 之间不免费。(这是打Telstra确认的) 12个月后如果想换新手机的朋友,只要旧手机没有损坏,正常可以使用,退给telstra就可以 换个一模一样的手机了。(这是promoter和Telstra都确认过的) 更新2:Discount B 只使用与从别的Provider转过去的朋友 更新3:今天短消息数量够了,没法私信了。截止8.03pm 我还有19位朋友没有告知。麻烦哪位足友把联系方式转给以下的朋友一下?还有这个介绍人不是自己的手机店,他是和telstra有corporate关系的,但是他也卖telstra的sim卡。 oliviajiajia ezhang6767 tianyu popleyi shychen methez 梦想似蓝 daweiba starry9t bcan shychen Syaoran dayang a-spec lihong10 燕儿飞 ahnet nswsy whilecat 更新4:到家以后就开始给大家回复和更新了,我现在要去做饭了。谢谢大家。对于不太相信这个offer的朋友可以等我拿到手机更新图片,不然都是白说。 更新5:他比较忙,大家不妨明天打电话给他。我这个周末要赶东西,会尽量抽时间上来回复的。谢谢大家 XL PLAN L PLAN Don’t pay Telstra $130/months Telstra $95/month Data 3GB Data + 1GB extra for 24 mth 2.5 GB + 1 GB extra for 24 mth or $1000 call a month for 24 mth Calls & SMS Ulimited anytime $950 (7am - 7pm) + Unlimited (7pm-7am including weekends) Discount (A) 25% 25% Discount (B) $292.50 $200 What you pay with discount (A+B) $85.31/month $62.91/month Shopping Vouche Value $105 $75 Iphone 6 16GB/64GB or Iphone 6 Plus 16 GB Included Included Iphone 6 128 GB $2/month extra $3/month extra Iphone 6+ 64 GB $2/month extra $3/month extra Iphone 6+ 128 GB $5/month extra $8/month extra New Phone Feeling Offer: Iphone 6 and 6+ avaialbe in 64G & 128 G You may get a new phone in every 12 month, new phone feeling offer ends in October! 补充内容 (2014-9-27 23:38): 之前要求朋友们给个电话也是害怕短信联系不上时可以联系大家。电话都已经删除了,大家不用担心。版主可以去做个证明。 |