快要搬新家了,昨天去DODO签了电和气。当时和夫人市场上比较了大部分的运营商,至少目前看来dodo还算便宜,尤其是gas的单价便宜了很多,而power部分倒也不比别家的有太多优势,只是不知道签了之后会不会很快涨价。no contract,这点是最吸引我的地方。之前看论坛上说dodo存在隐形扣费,研究了一下,也就是printed bill之类的要产生费用,基本都可以避免,自己随时能登录online account可以看到bill。只是觉得强制性的分月付账单有些恼人,不过anyway,打个电话去就改金额应该也不会太麻烦。 回来后做了一份Online Survey, 拿到一个Referral code, SVY#VITA2 如果有朋友最近也考虑签DODO,可以使用这个Referral code,我们两家账单都可以减免25元。 具体见以下email from Dodo Thank you for your feedback. Refer your friends to Dodo and you will both be rewarded with a $25.00 credit. It's very simple - All you need to do is give your friend this unique promotion code SVY#VITA2 to use upon signing up. Once your friend's post-paid account becomes active, both your accounts will be rewarded with a $25.00 credit. * Referral not applicable for post-paid dial up and prepaid products. This is a non reply email. Please do not reply to this email. Kind Regards, Dodo Australia |