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Andrew Bolt: The capital of Australia isn’t Beijing

2008-4-17 13:30| 发布者: 蓝月亮 | 查看: 1355| 原文链接

Andrew Bolt
Wednesday, April 16, 2008 at 12:21pm  

Not just the Serbs, Croats, Greeks and Lebanese, then:

Zhang Rongan, of the Chinese Students and Scholars Association, said he expected more than 10,000 Chinese and Chinese Australians to go to Canberra for the torch arrival on April 24. He said he was arranging “strong men” to protect against any attacks from pro-Tibet or Falun Gong forces…

One letter widely circulated in Australian Chinese communities says “the China forces” in Canberra are weak and need reinforcement because the city is a “separatist base” for Falun Gong, pro-Tibet, pro-Uighur (in Xinjiang province) and other “splittists”. And it says no Chinese can tolerate being humiliated by “scum of the Chinese nation” and “running dogs”.

“Whether you carry a Chinese passport or are an Australian citizen, I believe that each and every one of you, the sons and daughters of China, are as one with us in loyalty and love for the motherland!” it says.

Gee, just what we need. Yet more imported ethnic grievances. Yet another migrant community whose noisier “spokesmen” insist their first loyalty is to their old motherland.

But a question: How many of these students rallying for China are the pampered sons and daughters of the communist Chinese leadership? And is this kind of political activity compatible with their status here as students and guests?

Lots of similarly patriotic (as in towards China) sentiment - and some biffo - at a pro-China rally in Melbourne last weekend:


They are running. Kevin Rudd is contradicted again:

THE Chinese flame attendants labelled “thugs” after their heavy-handed treatment of protesters overseas will travel alongside the Olympic torch relay in Canberra, not in a bus, contradicting assurances given by Kevin Rudd.

ACT Police Commander Shane Connelly told reporters today there would be three Chinese flame attendants following the torch, not two. “They won’t be in the bus. They will be out running in certain areas along the way,’’ he said.

Rudd really has had trouble sticking to the facts on this. Heaven knows how he’ll go in telling the truth on something to his disadvantage.

[ 本帖最后由 蓝月亮 于 2008-4-17 13:35 编辑 ]
