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Ringwood Secondary 有很大可能变成精英学校

2007-11-16 13:22| 发布者: melbren | 查看: 2552| 原文链接

Ringwood Secondary 有很大可能变成精英学校,刚刚查到的本地报纸的报道:


Select entry for Ringwood Secondary
Brigid O'Connell


RINGWOOD Secondary College is expected to be named as the new eastern suburbs select entry school ``any day now''.

A source close to negotiations said the $40 million project was currently before the State Government, and that a decision was imminent.
``We thought there would have been an announcement by now, so we expect it will come any day now,'' they said.  ``It will mean big things for the area.''
The move may mean the school's junior levels will be scrapped in favour of a select entry system, starting at year nine, within three years (Maroondah Leader, July 31).
Parents fear that removing the only public secondary school in the zone will limit options, force children to the end of waiting lists for schools in other zones, and stop children joining siblings at the college.
The Government has committed to setting up two new specialist schools, one in North Melbourne and one in the outer east, for academically talented students.
But the Department of Education is not giving anything away.
Department spokeswomen Sara Bannister said no decision had been made on the location of the eastern corridor selective entry school. ... 24412_mmv_news.html
