更新 这个床当初pram warehouse买的 我打电话去的时候那态度差的 我还没有告诉他们我什么时候买的这个床 他们就直接说我们不管你自己找厂家去吧。其实有可能不关床厂商问题,也许在pram warehouse仓库里有虫的。但现在也没有办法只能找厂商。厂商说问问总公司怎么办,估计没戏。 去年二月买的lovencare床和配套床垫,买好就装好放在隔壁房间,七月宝宝生了就放在自己床旁边了。两个月前发现床柱子上有几个非常小非常小淡黄棕色的小虫子在爬,大小用肉眼基本看不见,要特别近盯着看才能看到。有点像国内的潮虫。 也没在意,把床单被子都洗了。两个礼拜前我老公突然大叫快来啊!床上都是虫子!我跑过来一看宝宝床单上满满的密密麻麻的全是这种虫子!有密级恐惧症的人估计要昏倒了。然后发现床下面的抽屉里上面的衣服小被子等上面全是!我老公把床拆了然后发现就是床垫下面那块木头上最多。之后我们狂喷杀虫剂把床架下面的木头每天拿出去暴晒,今天pest control人来看了半天说没见过这种虫子,重点是那个木板上还有!好像还在缝里。他们捉了几只说回去查查。我说有可能木头出来的么,他说你的床上没有,木地板也没有,房间任何其他地方没有,how can you not proof is from the bed?上礼拜我已经联系了这家床公司,他们说我过了12个月保修,刚过一个月,然后说不可能有虫子一年才发现。他们不管。 我该怎么办啊,床我也花了400多买的,主要我觉得很郁闷,你说这么多虫子钻进我女儿鼻子里耳朵里怎么办啊,我还没找他们追究呢,他们就说肯定不是床!我想到我女儿天天睡在里面,后怕啊。脸就贴在虫子上睡!! 他们的回复 Your cot is actually out of warranty as you get 12 months in total. If you have only been using it for 5 months then where have you had it stored previously? Its possible the bugs came from where you have had it stored. Our cots have no possible way of getting bugs in them as we have very tight standards to follow when it comes to that sort of thing. Our cots are checked and sprayed when they are still in the container and if any bugs are found they go straight into Quarantine. As you can see, it's impossible for this to be a problem for us. I advise that you get your room and cot sprayed by pest control or something of the likes because these bugs did not come from us, they would have developed over the time that you had it stored. There is not much that we can do at this stage. If you needed help with a damaged part of your cot we could help you but that's obviously not the case. 基本意思就说说虫子不是他们床是我家的! |