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2013-3-26 10:47| 发布者: lucyliu8472 | 查看: 990| 原文链接

恐龙,尤其是背部有很多尖形骨片的恐龙,为了防止被划伤公龙肚子,为了防止划伤公龙生殖器,科学家认为,他们是躺着或半躺着进行交配的。 以前科学家认为,所有的史前动物,是和现在的牲畜一样,雄性从后面骑在雌性上完成交配的。尤其是食草恐龙,很多背部有尖形骨头或刺状骨片,或带刺的尾巴,明显的,像牲畜一样交配方式是不现实的。雌性恐龙也不可能提起尾巴,因为那里骨头是封住的,而非关节状。柏林自然博物馆的mallison专家,用电脑模拟了这个观点。

Dinosaurs had sex . . . carefully

From: The Times
March 25, 201312:00AM ... 64oi6-1226604542185

DINOSAURS with spiky backs or tails may have had sex in a prehistoric variant on the missionary position to prevent injury, castration or even death, scientists believe.

New research has challenged the belief that the prehistoric beasts all had sex the same way, with the male mounting the female from behind.

For some dinosaurs, particularly herbivores such as stegosaurus, which had a stiff, spiky tail, such a position could have proved dangerous or even fatal.

"The females could not raise their tails because the bones at the top end were fused," said Brian Switek, a dinosaur researcher and writer, whose book My Beloved Brontosaurus comes out soon.

Heinrich Mallison, a scientist at the Museum of Natural History in Berlin, has designed computer models of kentrosaurus, a cousin of stegosaurus, to see if males could have risked mounting the females. He found that any such approach would have "risked castration" from the deadly spikes on its hips.

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"These prickly dinosaurs must have had sex another way. Perhaps the female lay down on her side and the male reared up to rest his torso over her," he said. The question of the sexual positions employed by dinosaurs may sound trivial, but understanding such adaptability is key to working out how they were able to dominate the Earth for tens of millions of years.

The Sunday Times
