今天收到了CITIbank Mastercard信用卡2张,1张主卡,1张副卡.上个星期申请的,这个星期就下来了,速度挺快! 信中描述有关此卡年费的问题不是太明白,想问问大家是不是主卡和副卡都是终身免年费的啊? 信中内容如下: Annual Primary Cardholder Fee: $0, debited to your account on first use of the account (including card activation), and then on each anniversary of the date Citibank approved you account. Annual Additional Cardholder Fee; $0, debited to your account when Citibank issues the additional card, pro rata up to the next anniversary of Citibank's approval o your account and then payable with the annual fee. (主要这句话看得不是太明白) |