停止上一份工作后,养老金公司给我封信.给了我三个选择: 1 transfer to personal super from business account 2 Rollover my total withdrawal value 3 Nominate the amounts to be rolled over from my benefit 第一个说明我现在还是在business account里面,可是我汇的1000是要进入我的personal account里面的,那我1000还有效吗?会不会白给了,拿不到那1500了? 2是让我把我的养老金转移到我别的养老金账号上吗? 3是接着2说的吧?如果要转的话,转多少. 信上还说If u wish to have your current benefit transferred into MLC Masterkey personal super, the minimum transfer balance is $3000 and u may need to arrange to have any other superannuation benefits transferred to your account. 我账号力根本没那么多钱,因为没干多久,那意味这我还要往里补钱.不太愿意.我该怎么办呢? |