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不幸而被言中-我的ebay后备store被设了selling limit

2007-6-13 18:49| 发布者: Mylittlelover | 查看: 8063| 原文链接

郁闷袅.....前几天还在水晶的帖子里面一本正经的提醒大家, 要防备ebay一手, 要有后备店, 谁知道昨天就后院起火....

昨天后备店收到ebay的alert, 说偶的 Your eBay account has been restricted for breach of our Seller Non-Performance policy. Due to this breach, we have placed a selling limit on your account because our records show that you generated an unacceptably high level of dissatisfactionfrom buyers on this account. Based on input from the buyers who have transacted with you, this account has an unacceptably low record of buyer satisfaction, and falls below the standards expected of the eBay community.

写email去问, 回过来这么一封, attach在底下.

事情的起因也的确是因为complaint, 前段时间女儿骨折, 跑前跑后一直待在医院里面, 主店有请人打理, 可是后备店的留言没有时间回, 有个包裹因为查账的问题, delay了3天才发货, 而且又比较远, 在western australia, 可能邮局路上又耽误了, 所以买家收到的时候已经是第9天. 结果不得了了, 老太太(猜的)发飙了......联系都没一个就抬手给了4个NEG...很倒霉她买了4件东西.   

在此严重BS一下ebay的评价系统, 同一用户的好评3个月内不累计, 差评倒是累计的......如果我看哪个竞争对手不顺眼, 想灭了他, 就猛拍他20件东西然后全部做差评好了, 他就可以神秘的被SUSPEND了, 等他申诉...调查, 再回到人间的时候一定也大伤元气....

往下说, 得了差评以后我用了一切可以做的方法联系她去挽回, 写了我觉得措辞完美无可挑剔的道歉信, 开始说给个小礼物, 人家不为所动, 然后装可怜解释说是女儿出事没法上网, 人家不搭理, 最后急了说要不我退钱你吧, 你收到的当礼品. 这回总行了吧帮我把差评withdraw了, 结果人家说.........她了解..她不要钱, 但是她也不撤差评, 因为她要give me a lesson.... 这样fussy的人也是世间JP!!!  是偶不好没忍住, 偶回敬了她4个差评. 估计她跑去ebay投诉了.

事情已经发生了, 还好主店没有事, 所以写下来, 只是为了给做ebay的tz们再次敲个警钟, 不要以为ebay是多么公平公正的, 它行动, 基本是在调查以前, 所以一切要小心, 小心对待每个dispute每个complaint. ebay就是赚钱机器, 其他的它什么都不管.

Note: This account restriction does not relieve you of your obligation to pay any fees that you may owe to eBay.

你看, 就这样它还不忘记提醒我要付钱!!


Although I can understand your concern with your account being limited and you may not have any item not received or item not as described complaints, it has been determined that your account limitation will stand. The account limitation was done after a thorough evaluation and it was based on the your feedback and dispute console. The limitation is set up to help you build a stronger foundation and it allows you to review your current business practice and improve certain areas that you have received complaints from.

Please remember that Seller Non-performance is not limited to item not received or item not as described complaints. If you have received complaints on late shipment or poor communication, it will also be counted towards your restriction and we urge you to review any issues for the last few months and attempt
to resolve it.

If you are not able to revise or list items, you may have reached the maximum of your selling limit and you can complete some of your transaction and wait for the limit to be refreshed. It will usually take a week and we will not be able to provide you with the details on when
you will be able to list more items.
We will not be able to tell you the exact limit and we encourage you to review any issues on your account and attempt to resolve it as suggested in our previous emails.

Once again, thank you for your time and cooperation.


Ethan N.
Trust & Safety Team

搞不懂它的email, 一会儿说一个星期refresh, 一会儿又说not be able to provide you with the details on when
you will be able to list more items....现在这个店不能登陆新东西和revise, 但是其他功能都还存在, 也不知道该怎么办, 等等看吧.....实在不行, 只好放弃再开发一个了, 唉, 鸡肋呀....虽然是后备店, 可是是我为女儿的出生纪念开的, 好歹也混了300多个POSITIVE, 就这样毁了.

权当做个警示吧~~  :si143

[ 本帖最后由 Mylittlelover 于 2007-6-13 19:22 编辑 ]
