Dividends 是通过commsec打到你帐号里面去的,还是公司直接打到你帐号里面去的? 我知道买了股票以后很多公司会寄一个单子给你,让你填帐号什么的,说以后会把dividends打到你帐号里面去? 比如周五我买了ANZ的股票,我去ANZ的网上看到,好像要在5月18日前就要填写那个direct debit的form并寄过去。那如果你没有填这个单子的话是不是就收不到dividends了?我现在是等他寄那些form给我,还是需要去网上下载这个form然后自己寄过去呢?但是我现在去commsec看到如果你买了股票就会有available units和registered units。我现在anz的股票available unit已经有了,但是registered units还是0。 这是我在anz网上看到的一段话 Please note that the Record Date for the 2007 ANZ Interim Dividend (payable 2 July 2007) is 18 May 2007. ANZ has a mandatory policy which requires the payment of dividends to be made by direct credit for ordinary shareholders who have a registered address in Australia, New Zealand or Great Britain. This payment method provides a number of benefits for shareholders. There is no delay in waiting for a cheque to be delivered in the mail - your funds are deposited on the payment date of the dividend. Direct credit dividend payments also minimise the potential for fraud and reduce the processing costs for ANZ. It is important to note that while the payment will be made by direct credit, ANZ will continue to send to shareholders a dividend statement which will confirm the number of shares, the amount of the dividend, the date of payment, and details of the financial institution account into which the payment has been made. 现在有几种情况 1、自己从anz下载这个表格,寄过去,但是commsec的registered units还是0 2、等anz发表格来,估计已经是5月19日以后了(recorded date)。然后寄过去,是不是只要他在pay date前收到他还会把钱直接打到我帐号里面去。 3、不管那个form,如果anz没有收到自动会寄支票过来的。 请各位老大回答!谢谢。 [ 本帖最后由 大飞熊 于 2007-5-13 00:33 编辑 ] |