前两天前看到有筒子认购了Zinc Co.的股票,我想问问,priority offer跟public offer有什么不同?除了申请时间不一样以外,价钱是一样的吗?大家认为这个股票好不好??有没有前途?如果Devil_Star在此,麻烦解答一下好吗?小弟是新手!! 还有,可以翻译一下下面这段话吗?看不怎么明白。。。谢谢! Approximately 3 months after the completion of the in-specie distribution of the Shares in Zinc Co Australia Limited to Giralia shareholders, Zinc Co Australia Limited intends to conduct a pro-rata issue of options to its Shareholders on the basis of one option for every two Shares held at the relevant date. The options will be issued at a price of 1 cent each, exercisable at $0.25 each on or before 30 November 2009. The options will otherwise be on terms and conditions standard for options in a listed company. |