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2007-3-28 16:17| 发布者: maribel | 查看: 644| 原文链接

今天又收到了"LITTLE BRYCE"给我的信,嘿嘿嘿,有新情况哦

Hi Maribel

It's Bryce

I just went to send you email and my silly mum jumped in front of me and took over and sent her email first  She is a cheeky mum I have

Maribel I have some news for you, you must promise not to tell anyone as mum doesn't want anyone in the industry to know until a couple of months.  But she said I could tell you. :si34

I've been caught out.  My mum and dad found out what I wished for when I blew out my little b'day candle on my birthday. :o

I wished for a playmate and YAY it is true that wishes do come true.  Maribel this is the first wish I've ever made and it's coming true.  :si26

I am soo excited  Maribel I wonder if I made a second wish if that will come true. :si153
I heard my mum say looks like she'll soon be getting her fat clothes out she packed away after she finally got skinny again. Baggy Daggys here she comes  :si52

My Grandad hopes for a boy,  so I will have someone to beat up, he is a cheeky Grandad (that is my dad's dad) he knows I would never do that and my Aunty Rusty's hopes for a girl  because she will be so beautiful.  My mum and dad are just praying it will have dimples like me and dad so when we are both teenagers they will know when we are both lying   :si51

Well Maribel that is my news for this week please don't tell anyone though as mum has only told Ian and Shari and won't be telling anyone else until May :si17

I will be a great big brother, I will  and share my toys :si79:si80

Bye Maribel I hope I see you soon,

Love Bryce
