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2007-3-14 11:07| 发布者: maribel | 查看: 792| 原文链接

早上收到同事,一个妈妈,给我的信.昨天她答应给我发几张小BB的近照.这个小BB很好玩.当时我看到他时候他还不会走路,全身软软的,哈辣子满地流.现在已经初见英俊小伙模样了,会走会跳了. 看信后,我非常感动. (BTW,这个同事生完孩子后1个月就回来工作了, 我觉得她挺不容易的.她不愿意在家带孩子,虽然她LG挣的足够多养活他们的. 现在她每周1-2天在家上班)

Hello Maribel

I have not seen you for long time but I haven't forgotton you.  

Last time I saw you I was still a baby  I have grown now into a big boy and I can walk now.  I'm very talented.

Oh hold on Mum is interrupting me, she wants me to tell you she has receive L/C for F995 & F996.   Ok now where was I

Yes I was going to tell you I went to the beach on the weekend.  Maribel I love the beach I ran on the sand and in the little splashes on water too.  It was soo much fun

I can dance to music  I bounce my little legs up and down and sometimes move my head at same time.  Mum says I'm soo cleaver and often dances with me once I start.  Good thing we are only at home as mum could do with some lessons I think she should watch me and take note.

I told you I could walk but did you know I also get out of my bed and walk around the house too.   I turn around put my legs over and wiggle until my feet touch the floor then I'm off and racing.  Mum and dad laugh as they can always hear me coming I try to sneak down the hall but apparently my walking sounds more like stomping

I can play the piano too,  You should see me Maribel.  I bang away and my silly mum instead of singing to my songs I play yells out the colours of the stars that light up.    Here I am playing some really cool tunes and I here in the background,  BLUE, GREEN, YELLOW, BLUE, YELLOW, PURPLE, RED, what a silly Billy.  I have attached a picture of me playing for you.  Although the picture is quite old I have since grown more hair.

I love summer time I get to go outside lots more.  My dad takes me outside nearly everyday once he gets home and we have a great time outdoors.  I get to throw sand into the fountain  I forgot I blamed buddy and Jem (our puppies) for that, SHHH don't tell on me.  
I also get to chase buddy and Jem around the back and they make me giggle soo much.  

Well hope your not too busy today maribel,  

I have to go now and I'm sleepy and I think mum will let me have a nap




[ 本帖最后由 maribel 于 2007-3-14 12:17 编辑 ]
