最近养老金政策有比较大变化,自己研究了下。这篇文章个人人为不错,拿出和大家分享。我把大意翻了下,不一定完全正确,如果有人发现错误,请指正一下。 It's time to give your super fund a good going-over. Just how well is your superannuation fund doing? Do you have any idea? You should. For the past 15 years up to 9 per cent of your salary has gone in to superannuation, so it's becoming an important investment to most Australians. But because the contributions are made automatically by the boss, it's almost a case of out of sight, out of mind. 养老金是很多澳洲人人生最大的一笔投资,但养老金是由雇主交的,很容易被人忽略。 Those six-monthly reports from your superannuation fund manager should help keep you informed but often they look too daunting to follow and they won't actually tell you whether your fund is doing better or worse than the industry average. They'll naturally put a positive spin on everything. 你养老金账户的半年报有时会提醒你,但它很难看懂,也没有一个横向比较。 When the next report from your superannuation fund manager arrives in the next couple of weeks with the results for 2006, remember just two figures: 13 per cent and 9 per cent. 这里周中,06年年报就要出来。有两个数字需要记住:13%和9% The latest superannuation performance results are out from research group SuperRatings and they show the average result last year for a balanced superannuation fund was just over 13 per cent. If your fund didn't make that level of return then you're entitled to ask why. 研究公司SuperRating计算出去年balanced super基金的年收益率刚好超过13%,如果你的基金没有达到这水平,你可以问问你的基金经理是什么原因。 This isn't to say you should have a knee-jerk reaction and dump an underperforming fund. Superannuation is a long-term investment and performance needs to be judged over a minimum of five years. 这不是说你要立刻做出反应,抛弃你表现不好的基金。养老金是长期投资,收益情况需要考察至少5年 SuperRatings' Jeff Bresnahan says the average annual return on a balanced fund over five years is about 9 per cent. Your statement from the fund manager must contain the one-year and five-year figures. That's why 13 per cent and 9 per cent are the magic numbers to remember. Jeff说balanced fund的5年平均年收益是9%。基金公司给你的statement上必然会有去年收益和5年平均收益。所以13%和9%一定要牢记在心。 Remember, these results are only for balanced funds, although 80 per cent of Australian workers are invested in this category. That's probably a wise choice considering that most people don't take an active interest in their superannuation. 这只是balanced fund的结果,80%的澳洲从业者用这类投资形式。这对大多数人是明智选择。 For those in a superannuation fund specialising in Australian shares the average return last calender year was a massive 21 per cent. 把养老金投资到股票市场的人,上个财年收益率是21% I know that it is your big nest egg but it is a good idea not to be too conservative with your superannuation. Being too cautious could mean winding up with only half the possible super payout. 虽然这账户里是你养老的看家本钱,但也不要太保守。太谨慎意味着你可能少一半的投资收入 Members of super funds have the luxury of having a long-term horizon, and investments in growth assets such as shares always outperform more conservative investments such as cash deposits and bonds over the long-term. 养老基金的成员具有长期投资的有利条件。投资在股票等成长性资产的回报率通常高于保守型投资,比如现金存款或债券 If members of super funds used options which allowed them to invest in a more aggressive fashion their retirement benefit would be two to three times the level they would be under current standards. 如果他们选择更激进的投资方式,到退休后能得到2到3倍的收益 Most long-term investors tend to be too careful with their investments because they are concerned about short-term volatility. Long-term investment will have falls in the short term, but you can't have your cake and eat it too. People want to have the biggest retirement package they can without taking the risks. But they don't realise how much a conservative approach can reduce their benefits over the long term. 长期投资者可能在短期内会遭受挫折,但如果你躲避了这种情况,你也得不到相应好处。人们希望退休后多得到点钱,却不用承担风险。但是他们没有认识到一个保守性投资,会在多大的程度上降低收益 When choosing which super fund is right for you, don't forget to check all the fees, including administration costs, exit and entry fees and ongoing charges. Portability of super is something else to check. You want to be able to move your benefits without any penalties if you change employers. If you are with an employer fund or private fund you are more likely to have to withdraw and roll over your benefits that may or may not incur exit fees. 注意费用,包括管理费,退出和准入费,以及(ongoing charges).可转换性是容易比较的。当跳槽时,你应该能够不付任何费用,转移养老金。但如果你使用雇主的养老金帐户,或者私人帐户,可能会需要exit fee If you are with an industry fund you are likely to be able to continue paying into the same fund while remaining in the industry without penalties. You need to check your options and talk to a professional regarding anything you don't understand. 如果加入了行业基金,这种情况就很可能不会发生,只要你还在同一个行业中。这需要咨询专业人士 Finally, take advantage of the Federal Government's generosity with the co-contributions scheme. Only 350,000 of the millions of Australians eligible are currently benefiting. It contributes $1.50 for every $1 in personal contributions you make up to a maximum of $1500 for those earning $28,000 a year or less. Anyone earning up to $58,000 can still benefit, at a reduced rate. It's a great deal, so take advantage of it. 最后,充分利用政府的co-contributions计划,在几百万有资格享受这个政策的澳洲人中,只有35万真正利用了。如果你年收入低于2万8,你自己每向super帐户中多供款1元,政府回向你帐户提供$1.5,到1,500封顶。只要年收入在5万8以下,你仍旧能够享受,但政府的contribution随着工资提高而递减。 |