1. Applied statistics for Englineers and scienctists Jay Davore Nicholas Farnum 2. Logic And Computer Design Fundamentals M. Morris Mano Charles R. Kime 3. Computer Graphics using open GL F.S Hill JR 4. Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design using UML Simon Bennett, Steve Mc Robb and Ray Farmer 5. Principles of Macroeconomics Robin Stonecash Joshua Gans Stephen King N. Gregory Mankiw 6 Financial Institutions Instruments and Markets Christopher Viney 7. Computering Essentials 2000-2001 Timothy J. O' Leary Linda I. O'Leary 8 Interaction Design 9. Fundamentals of Financial management Concise 4E 10.Mutinational Finance KIRT C. BUTER 11 Discrete Mathematics with Applications Second Edition Susanna S.Epp 12 Emerging Financial Markets David O.Beim Charles W.Calomiris 13. The C++ Programming Language Bjarne Stroustrup the creator of C++ 14 Calculus one and several variables 15 Financial Accounting an integrated approach Ken Trotman Michael Gibbins 还有很多原版书教科书,回国了带不回去,转让给有需要的朋友, 请电0401207350 Kevin |