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2012-2-2 18:44| 发布者: 云之彩 | 查看: 6088| 原文链接

澳洲最慷慨的老板ken grenda在卖了自己经营了66年的grenda汽车运输公司后送给员工总计1500万奖励,平均每人8500刀,最多3万(税前)根据服务年限和职位不同,最少的服务3个月也有1000刀。而且所有员工保留原有职位在新公司。有的员工发现自己账户里多的钱甚至致电银行是否弄错了。能为这样的老板工工作还真是幸福。

Australia's most generous boss

A Melbourne bus operator has divvied up 15 million dollars between his 1800 workers to thank them for their hard work and loyalty.

A MELBOURNE boss has stunned his staff by giving them a staggering $15 million gift -- the ultimate pay-off for their hard work and loyalty.

Workers at bus company Grenda couldn't believe their good fortune when surprise bonuses averaging $8500 were paid into their accounts - with some staff receiving as much as $30,000.

Family-owned Grenda Corporation recently sold off its transit operations after 66 years and decided to pour a chunk of the profits into the remarkable thank-you gesture.

Patriarch Ken Grenda, 79, and sons Geoff and Scott, have been dubbed Australia's most generous bosses after rewarding 1800 staff, from drivers to senior executives, for contributing to the company's success.

Some wept while others rang their banks thinking there might be an error.

But Mr Grenda, the major shareholder, modestly played down the "best boss" moniker, instead paying tribute to Australia's most generous boss?

"A business is only as good as its people, and our people are fantastic," he said. "This is to recognise that. We have had people here who are second generation, and one fellow in the same job for 52 years.

"We have grown from just four bus routes in Dandenong in 1945 to operating 1300 buses in Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth. You only get there if you have good people."

The family has been swamped with about 100 emails and countless phone calls of thanks from staff, who will all keep their jobs under the new owners.

Mr Grenda, who was awarded an AM for his services to the bus industry, said the gratitude was humbling.

"The response has been pretty fantastic," he said.

"People said all sorts of things. One said they had a huge amount of bills and you have suddenly got me out of a hole."

The bonuses were paid in various amounts based on years of service and position.

Staff who had worked with Grenda for three months or more pocketed anywhere from about $1000 to $30,000 before tax.

The company last year sold its transit operations to Melbourne operator Ventura for about $400 million.

Grenda is also Australia's largest bus maker, building about 600 buses a year.

It expects to settle on the sale of the bus building business Volgren to a Brazilian company tomorrow.

Grenda bus driver Heath, with the company for just 10 months, received less than the average bonus, but was dumbfounded by his windfall of around $850.

"Some employees were calling their banks assuming it was an error," he said. "Good bosses are hard to find and Ken was a very good boss, one of a kind."

[ 本帖最后由 云之彩 于 2012-2-2 18:47 编辑 ]
