女儿换牙,某天掉了一颗,神秘地说要把牙齿放枕头底下,还要给tooth fairy写封信, 晚上果然写了封信 Dear Tooth Fairy, My name is xxxx, I am 6 year old. Today my tooth came out. Can you please come to my house to take it when I am sleeping. Thank you Yours faithfully 第二天早上,偷偷的暗示她,她的桌上好像有信。她很激动地去找,果然找到一个信封,里边有许多硬币,数了数有2块,很得意地收到自己的存钱罐里,然后把信看了又看,看完了又一个个拿给大人看 大意是 Dear xxxx, I got the message about your tooth. A new tooth will grow up very soon, like your grandpa's vegetable. We all know you are a good girl, smart and caring. And I like your piano songs. Have a happy christmas, Your best Tooth Fairy 这一天她都过得很开心 |