女儿今年上七年级了,和小学相比,最大的变化是时间不够用了。学校的功课虽然轻松,但一门门的Assignment如果精雕细琢起来还是很费时间的,再加上学校乐队的排练,一星期两天游泳,两门乐器的学习,星期六的中文学校…… 总之,按她爸的话她的时间贵如油了。 我和女儿之间最经典的“条件反射”对话是:“抓紧时间啊!” …”我在抓紧啊!!!” ![]() 我有时想,是不是她的活动太多了,要不要CUT一点?都七年级了,是不是应该主攻学业了?毕竟才七年级,是不是应有些业余时间留给她自己? 所以我们和女儿也经常讨论“Time Management”和“Self Control”的问题。 我这里也有一篇文章感觉不错 The most successful students learn how to manage their time effectively. The older kids get, the more taxed they are for time. The most successful students learn how to manage their time effectively. Sharing these time management tips from school counselors will help your teen reduce stress and accomplish more: • Get organized. Know what you are going to wear the night before school. Plan ahead for lessons and other activities. • Be well-supplied. Keep plenty of supplies on hand—daily, weekly and monthly. • Make “to do” lists. Keep a notebook and calendar in a pocket for making lists and keeping appointments. Then use them. • Establish priorities. Do important things first. • Divide work into smaller parts or sections for long-term projects. • Carry reading material in the car or in your school bag—to read while in traffic or waiting in line. • Limit some activities. Cut down on the amount of time spent on wathcing television or talking on the phone, for example. • Don’t put off hard work. Do hardest projects first. • Set deadlines. Then complete tasks within the set time limits. • Practice self-discipline. Don’t let yourself get distracted from starting or finishing projects. • Reward yourself. Once tasks are completed, take a break. Read a book. Get a snack. Visit a friend. Enjoy yourself. http://www.schoolfamily.com/scho ... ge-time-effectively Zj的牛娃们,到了中学有没有感到时间不够用啊?有没有需要家长帮助管理时间的呢?妈妈们来传传经验吧。 |