排名 学校 地点 VCE学生人数 VCE分数中间值 VCE40+百分比 1 1 Mac.Robertson Girls' High School MELBOURNE 484 39 44% 2 2 Melbourne High School SOUTH YARRA 690 38 38% 3 3 John Monash Science School CLAYTON 5 34 40% 4 4 VICTORIAN COLLEGE OF THE ARTS Secondary School SOUTHBANK 155 34 27% 5 5 Victorian College For The Deaf MELBOURNE 9 34 25% 6 6 Glen Waverley Secondary College GLEN WAVERLEY 608 34 21% 7 7 Manangatang P-12 College MANANGATANG 26 34 10% 8 8 McKinnon Secondary College MCKINNON 377 33 17% 9 9 The University High School PARKVILLE 336 33 16% 10 10 Balwyn High School BALWYN NORTH 630 33 15% 11 10 Melbourne Girls' College RICHMOND 360 33 15% 12 12 Canterbury Girls' Secondary College CANTERBURY 250 33 12% 13 13 Box Hill High School BOX HILL 324 32 12% 14 14 Mount Waverley Secondary College MOUNT WAVERLEY 428 32 11% 15 15 Kew High School KEW EAST 296 32 10% 16 15 Princes Hill Secondary College PRINCES HILL 161 32 10% 17 17 Birchip P-12 School BIRCHIP 20 32 9% 18 17 Camberwell High School CANTERBURY 309 32 9% 19 17 Dimboola Memorial Secondary College DIMBOOLA 37 32 9% 20 20 Donald High School DONALD 42 32 8% 摘自http://bettereducation.com.au/Results/VcePublicSchoolResults.aspx 只摘了前20名 |