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Kinect for Windows SDK beta to roll out tomorrow?

2011-6-16 16:04| 发布者: dalaohu | 查看: 978| 原文链接

Microsoft's been talking up its forthcoming Kinect for Windows SDK for quite a while now, and it looks like developers might soon finally be able to get their hands on it. According to WinRumors, Microsoft will roll out the beta version of the SDK during a special event on Channel 9 at 9:30 AM Pacific time (12:30 Eastern) tomorrow -- something that's now been backed up somewhat by the Channel 9 website itself, which is simply promising a "special Kinect focused event tomorrow." WinRumors is also reporting that the President of Microsoft Spain said during an appearance at a conference today that the beta SDK would be available "this week." So, it certainly seems like things are lining up for a release -- it's just a shame that "Kinect applications" doesn't have the same ring as Kinect hacks.
