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Dumping .NET - Microsoft's Madness

2011-6-15 14:40| 发布者: | 查看: 1821| 原文链接

Microsoft seem to be set on adopting HTML5 and JavaScript as its main application development tools for Windows 8 - is this the end of .NET?

Microsoft feels itself to be under attack in a post-PC world.
The problem is that the current boom is in mobile and Microsoft doesn't really do mobile. The PC is so passe and with it Windows is going out of the door and Microsoft seems to want to throw the entire .NET subsystem along with it.
Microsoft clearly has to do something, but at the moment it looks like insanity has taken hold. To bet the farm on HTML and JavaScript being the next big thing is a good bet, but its not a bet that Microsoft can easily take and make good. Even if the world does turn to JavaScript and platform-independent apps this still means that Microsoft loses.
The problem is that Microsoft needs a technology that gives it an edge and HTML/JavaScript is everybody's edge.
Microsoft developers feel left in the dark and very angry at the way they are being treated. You only have to browse the Microsoft forums to discover how strong the feeling is:  forum post 1, forum post 2 and an open letter.
Will Microsoft listen?
On past behaviour the answer it likely to be no, but it might provoke some conciliatory words about how the "old technologies" will be supported in the future.
