我的头转晕了! 如何又快又准确地解答此类问题,求高手支招。 Question 1: Assume that all mils are hils, some hils are jils, and some tils are rils. Therefore it makes sense that: A: all mils are jils B: some hils are mils C: all tils are hils D: some jils are hils E: some mils are hils Question 2: Assume that some huys are knis, all jiks are suds, and some aws are huys. Therefore it makes sense that: A: some knis may also be aws B: all huys are knis C: all jiks are aws D: some suds are knis E: all jiks are huys Question 3: Assume that: All HIFS are PIFS Some SIFS are RIFS All ZIFS are SIFS All PIFS are ZIFS Which of the following do we know is correct? A: All ZIFS are RIFS B: Some HIFS are ZIFS C: All RIFS are SIFS D: All HIFS are RIFS E: Some ZIFS are PIFS Question 4: Assume that some pings are lings, all hings are fings, and some tings are pings. Therefore it makes sense that: A: some lings may also be tings B: all pings are lings C: all hings are tings D: some fings are lings E: all hings are pings Question 5: Assume that some paks are saks, all naks are paks, and some zaks are kaks. Therefore it makes sense that: A: no paks are naks B: all paks are naks C: some kaks are naks D: some naks may be saks E: all paks are kaks Question 6: Assume that all kibs are bics, some bics are vics, and some tics are dups. Therefore it makes sense that: A: all kibs are vics B: some bics are kibs C: all tics are bics D: all vics are kibs E: some kibs are bics Question 7: Assume that: All JUNS are TIFS Some UMIS are HUNS All DAES are HYNS All TIFS are DAES Which of the following is correct: A: All DAES are HUNS B: Some JUNS are DAES C: All HUNS are HYNS D: All JUNS are HYNS E: Some JUNS are DAES [ 本帖最后由 moody 于 2011-6-12 01:31 编辑 ] |