今天跟麦麦讲了两个笑话,他很喜欢,整个晚上都在玩味,一个人偷偷地笑了半天。坛子里有人建过儿歌大楼,那我来带头建个笑话大楼吧!欢迎大家补充!中文英文无任欢迎, 只要内容健康,适合小学生朋友的都可以。 我先来: - Why is 6 afraid of 7? - Because 7 8 9! - Which two words have thousands of letters in them? - Post Office. - Why do M&Ms go to school? - Because they want to be Smarties! - Why does turtle cross the road? - To go to the Shell Station. - Why does skeleton cross the road? - To go to the Body Shop. - Why does the man with one hand cross the road? - To go to the second hand shop. - Why does the dog cross the road? - To go to the barking lot. - Why does banana go to the doctor? - Because he isn't peeling well. - Stamp says to the envelope: Stick with me and we will go places! - What is red, black and white? - An embarassed zebra. - What is the smartest state in USA? - Alabama, because it has 4 "A"s and 1 "B" in it! |